Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And although I move on in the final chapter to consider some of the policy implications of the analysis , the main aim will be to clarify rather than prescribe .
2 ‘ It 's not very often that I come down from the pulpit but I feel this would be a genuinely worthwhile exercise , ’ he said .
3 erm , you have , I have n't , and erm , there was a photograph that I cut out of the paper sometime before he abdicated , over the Prince of Wales at the races with Mrs Simpson .
4 The figures that I quoted were given in a written answer to a question that I put down about the cutbacks in regional preferential assistance .
5 The only person that I know about at the playhouse is Gordon .
6 So good am I that I turn round on the runners to photograph Tony .
7 So flustered was I , in fact , that I became entangled with the bicycles in the hall ( my sons always keep them there , and other things being equal I usually get past them without too much difficulty ) , and I arrived in the dining-room even more distraught than I set out from the study .
8 But that alone did n't daunt my spirit , so I set off on the second day with a little more trepidation but just as much determination to learn to sail .
9 I du n no what to do now so I go up to the big electric sign board and have a look at it .
10 I find some steps , so I go down into the park and have a wander round .
11 A steady pressure tries to pull my finger to the rod , so I go along with the movement for a few inches and then strike .
12 I du n no what to do , so I go back to the caff and have a look in the window .
13 They are pulled away impatiently by Bill , so I sit back on the side lines .
14 back home , so I carry on down the road .
15 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
16 ‘ Sergeant Jennings here will make some tea , then she 'll stay with you while Mr Morgan and I go over to the stables .
17 ‘ So , in the meantime — ’ it was almost as though he 'd read her mind ! ‘ — I suggest that you and I go back to the party .
18 A love song on the crackly Holiday Inn radio which the maid always switches on as her final flourish after she 's done the room ( Hugo and I go down to the pool and swim and use the sauna while we wait for her to finish ) or a pop song on the telly as Hugo and I eat our continental breakfast ( orange juice , coffee , a croissant and a Danish each ) , too languid even to stretch out for the remote control and switch it off — will make tears come to my eyes : move me with the desire to say , You do love me , do n't you !
19 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
20 He is a forestry expert and has a small stud as a hobby , so now the stables are being used again and I wake up to the clop-clop of horses ' hooves on the cobbles in the morning .
21 I walk out to the bus , I get on the bus at the end of Care Street , I walk right along Care Street , right up Dawsons Street , brisk walk and then I 'm walking around the garage , I do n't do that much walking now , the bloody car , but I take a walk at lunchtime and I walk down to the bar , walking , if you walk , that would be total couple of miles a day
22 For the first set of songs , I had more to do with that side mainly because I 'm the guitarist , and I sit down with the guitar for 3 or 4 hours every day , so there 's always a riff there .
23 She laughs and throws the duvet at me , and I sit back on the sofa-bed as she slips out into the hall .
24 When Kalchu and I set out for the headman 's house several mornings later it was bitterly cold .
25 Anyway , being in the fortunate position to be able to drive along the road to Corrour , although my car suspension did n't agree it was so fortunate , a companion and I set off for the first peak , Beinn Eibhinn from halfway along the road , above the river Ghuilbinn .
26 She showed me the way to the Burma Road , and I set off up the wooded slope behind the house .
27 A long ridge-walk requires an early start , and a companion and I set off from the hotel at 8.30 , toast crumbs still trembling on our lips , to attain the ridge by the first peak , Creag a' Mhaim .
28 And I come on to the mi middle
29 And so it seems to me that what has got to be proven , and I come back to the point , is that something has changed and we have n't heard anything that has changed er in in that time .
30 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
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