Example sentences of "[conj] i [modal v] have [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or I 'd have been gone . ’
2 ‘ Has it occurred to you that I nearly disturbed the murderer — that I might have been killed as well ?
3 ‘ And it did n't occur to you that I might have been referring to you ? ’
4 Because it suddenly occurs to me that I might have been left alone to get on with this assignment if my divisional head had n't beamed in on my activities and seen something she did n't like in my relationship with Rainbow .
5 If I 'd known that I would have been given a long lecture at the end of the day , well … ’
6 Is there some development that I should have been made aware of ? ’
7 It seemed to me that he was colder now , disappointed that I should have been found to have anything so hostile as escape equipment in my pockets .
8 I had only just noticed her — so I must have been taking things seriously — but she was worth waiting to be polite to .
9 One false turn and I would have been lost among boulders of ice and snow , rocks and fallen trees .
10 If he had , my furniture would have been out on the street by now and Springsteen and I would have been queuing down the night shelter .
11 ‘ I 'm sure she would have died without the kiss of life and I would have been devastated to lose her .
12 Luckily my mother was out of the room at the time , or Dawn and I might have been sent to our room for giving her precious cat a heart attack .
13 I had once taken hold of a piece of rock , and was about to trust my whole weight upon , it , when it loosened from its bed , and I should have been sent headlong to the bottom had I not instinctively snatched hold of a tuft of grass , which grew close by it , and was so firm as to save me .
14 At half past three Kaptan and I should have been reading from one of the textbooks but , in fact , I was lying in the Colonel 's hammock while Kaptan , with his inexhaustible energy , was trying to catch frogs .
15 In fiction , he thought , Alice and I should have been tormented by our joint knowledge , distrustful , guilt-ridden , unable to live apart yet miserable together .
16 No and we 'd got three young girls , new , new girls and I saw those and I must have been thinking about Mandy and the car because they said something about oh when we leave we 're all going on a picnic to and I think it was Kettering or quite some time aw some
17 I was turning to people I did n't know that well and confiding in them , and I could have been led down any garden path .
18 ‘ I was in the sitting room and I could have been killed if they had come through my side , ’ she said .
19 Seen a a lot of other things I would n't have seen if I 'd have been working down a pit or behind a shop counter or something .
20 ‘ I now have a wonderful little boy who is absolutely perfection , ’ she says , ‘ I know I might have had another wonderful child but I would have been riddled with doubt for most of its life . ’
21 But I might have been speaking to a corpse , she was so pale and still and silent .
22 There was no mistaking his bulk , but I could have been fooled by Jo if I had n't known her .
23 But I should have been told of your arrival , ’ the Baron went on .
24 Because I must have been noticed , I was invited by the families to play in mixed doubles .
25 This was the first time I had seen him surf in the flesh , but for an entire month I had contemplated him pulling fearlessly into a vicious Pipeline tube when I should have been writing lectures .
26 I think it 's outrageous as I could have been killed .
27 No wonder poor Dad was embarrassed , even though I must have been repeating something that he himself had said .
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