Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] what [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was only when I got home and looked up the dictionary that I realised what a gem it had been .
2 The famous sequence when the helicopters gather in the sky before the great attack has music with it — very familiar music ! — but , do you know , I was so gripped by the power of Coppola 's image , the helicopters , the music , that it was n't until many , many hours afterwards that I realized what the music was he had been using .
3 What a relief it was when a couple of hundred other leeds supporters started going crazy , so I thought what the hell and joined in .
4 I mean once I know what a thing is
5 Now , while I 'm the nation 's most inefficient gardener , I have visited more allotment sites than the pollution-control technician , and I know what a fetish most plot-holders make of composting , for very sound reasons of economy as well as ecology .
6 And I thought what a fool , none of them work
7 He read it aloud , then handed the paper back to her , and I thought what a pity it was to have to worry about that wretched boy on the one really good day we had had since our arrival .
8 yeah it was , oh it was terrible and I thought what a strain that must be on her heart , you know , carrying all that weight
9 And people walking on the pavement all it totally and I thought what a cheek .
10 and all that ruddy stuff , , I knew she 'd come along and put all , use to be a , he was the R S A man for the Signals and old Reggie , he was another R S A , he was headquarters company and old was in the cable laid section for people you know , came loose , I was walking through the shed and these two , I saw these two put them down , and I thought what the hell are you doing here ?
11 He said yes Mrs well then he followed me in the kitchen , stood behind me and I thought what the hell 's he hanging about for , I 'm gon na take it to him and the , his son- in-law was there
12 I was rather late back , when I got back I heard a knock on my bedroom door and she said it 's Miss and er I said , oh come in , I undid the door and she came in and er and so she said to me er , I just had a telephone message from Peel er to say that you have been subpoenaed to go the Police Court next Thursday and I said what a day out of my holiday and she said , well I 'm sorry but you 'll have to go .
13 Yes , in one five , erm they 're practising notes from Eynsham it does happen to be in Cherwell ward and not North ward , erm there is a booklet out about health and housing in Cutteslowe , and I wondered what the connection between , you know , not being on this committee , but these health action areas , and what in fact is happening in housing , because the director did assure me that other wards were going to be treated to the same erm treatment .
14 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
15 And I think what the questioner was asking for is , is probably adequately covered in the Christological section where we talk of giving hope and declaring forgiveness of sin .
16 ‘ I 'm buggered if I know what the point is , ’ said Wilcox sourly .
17 ‘ She 's round , ma'am , ’ Salt said in her angry voice , and under her breath : ‘ Blessed if I know what the world 's coming to … serving wenches falling about and being propped in chairs as if they were gentry . ’
18 I thought cos I thought what a load of
19 Yeah I know but I mean what a way to look .
20 But I mean what the pay relative to us the cost of living and everything else , I do n't know .
21 I do not know what the answer is , but I know what the answer is not .
22 And since I know what the proposition means , I must know each constituent of it .
23 I 'm just echoing the whole country when I say what a venture to make such a track .
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