Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reason why a cut in members ' allowances was not in our budget is I think we did n't consider it and we did n't consider it because the figures involved are so small that it was n't a matter which was , as I say , worthy of financial comment , although I accept it has a political dimension .
2 The head jerked , just the once , to the left , so I reckon it heard the ‘ phone . ’
3 If that were all , I 'd applaud it as a wise and public-spirited action and I hope it starts a trend .
4 It gives me the creeps and I know it frightened the kiddies .
5 A fine stone bridge spans the beck below Swinner Gill Kirk and I crossed it to follow the gill back below Moss Dam Hags and out along the top of Arn Gill Scar .
6 Oh they and I guess it set a few farmers on his feet .
7 One of them was at Muirfield in 1972 , and I believe it turned the Open for us .
8 THIS picture shows a dog which likes its drinking water served from above , and I publish it to illustrate a story about a cameraman .
9 Er I what 's been said about the report and I think it identifies the main issues .
10 I was really knocked out by your article on Philip Glass and I think it contained the best description of Glass ' music I have ever read .
11 So er when schemes by the good service of actuaries can be re-written in such extreme terms I begin to worry about it and I think it needs an input for more than one direction on the actuarial fund in our case the trustees saw fit not to use actuaries to get away
12 And I think it means the white .
13 It comes in handy , know a blue car and I think it has a boot , I ca n't tell you the type of , do n't make it up , if you do n't kn know , do n't make it up .
14 It has an irritatingly small backspace key and I think it has a horrible plastic feel , but this is purely subjective .
15 and I think it gives a balanced view , on something you know may be , you may be interested in the future .
16 If policy can be set to one side then it is set to one side and I think it enhances the reputation of of the system .
17 My hair had more shine than before and I found it left a stronger smell than other conditioners which I really liked .
18 We wo n't go into where you go that from cos I think it sounds a bit like sort of clutching at straws really .
19 And I 'm disappointed that the District Council officers nei ei any of the three come , I understand one 's ill , but I mean it seems a bit disappointing cos I did actually
20 The EVA wedge at the heel gives good shock absorption , but I wish it travelled the whole length of the boot as I find the balls of my feet get sore after a long day on the hill .
21 I kept my hand pressed to the bottom of the boat , my fingers freezing in the icy water swilling round us , but I noticed it grew no deeper .
22 But I suppose it kept the bikes off the top bit .
23 Er perhaps it is impossible to answer it in this forum but I think it remains an open question sir .
24 ‘ The technique still needs to be evaluated , but I think it has a positive feature because it has potentially fewer complications . ’
25 I avoided the chocolate cake because I thought it looked a little sickly .
26 Our new kitchen is not ultra-modern because I wanted it to have an old look and homely feel .
27 I remember the shock-horror and accusations of non-femininity that my first one provoked when I wore it to push the pram up Edinburgh 's steep streets in 1967 .
28 Oh as I remember it installs a backward compatible mouse driver which will do
29 I zipped back along the M20 , letting Armstrong have his head as I thought it made a nice change for him not to plod through heavy traffic at ten miles an hour .
30 Erm as I say it turned the the element on but no fan blowing air over it to cool it
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