Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [adv prt] with the " in BNC.

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1 I had n't intended to speak on the external affairs section , but the discussion had widened so much that I came in with the attached remarks .
2 Expenditures , er some of the the er higher amounts are printing at ninety pounds fifty , cons conference fees at sixty pounds , er Euro Election er donation of twenty five pounds , photocopies of forty pounds , er bank charges Which er was a point that I took up with the bank erm Mr Chairman last December .
3 Which is a bloody good thing , really that I started off with the tape , hands
4 You also had to maintain things , so I came up with the figure of thirty-one .
5 A steady pressure tries to pull my finger to the rod , so I go along with the movement for a few inches and then strike .
6 However , if anyone were misguided enough to give me authority , I would certainly misuse it , so I prayed along with the rest .
7 She went , and I got on with the life of Ellen Parkin , about to emerge from her chrysalis , to spread her wings as Eleanor Darcy .
8 And I got up with the intention of diving off the second one and I went no !
9 I was chatting to the team doctor and secretary and I told them I was a Leeds United supporter , and I kept up with the Leeds news via the computer network ( spread the word ; - ) ) .
10 ‘ We parted company and I took up with the bozo in the trenchcoat .
11 For the first set of songs , I had more to do with that side mainly because I 'm the guitarist , and I sit down with the guitar for 3 or 4 hours every day , so there 's always a riff there .
12 and I went around with the current .
13 I know many of the words , and I sing along with the others .
14 But no-one stocked the John Pearse and I ended up with the Levin .
15 As usual , the interesting people told me to piss off , and I ended up with the same old circle of publicity seekers . ’
16 If she thought her troubles would be over when and if I caught up with the blackmailer , she was way off .
17 Well I did n't know Spanish , but I got by with the Italian , you know , I had , I had once , .
18 Then , when I come back with the welding torch , no sign of the bastard .
19 This is the what mummy usually has when I go out with the meal at work .
20 When I came out with the next platitude ( ‘ How are you ? ’ ) they lifted and turned towards me .
21 It 's against the system in Continental Europe , it 's against the system I saw in the occupied West Bank when I went out with the police last year and what I saw in South Africa a fortnight ago when I went out w with the police there i i i into the shanty towns and so on .
22 I might have escaped her vigilance when I made off with the boat , but my wails of distress soon brought her running to the rescue .
23 But as I rode out with the nation 's most prestigious hunt , I found its members the model of politeness .
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