Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [adv] [adv] well " in BNC.

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1 But I would much rather find Mason puzzling than feel , as I do only too often , that I know all too well what so many of his more consistently praised contemporaries are on about , in music that routinely tells me nothing I did n't know already , or would indeed prefer never to hear again .
2 And I remember very very well he had a big heavy coat and my mother put him in a very big pocket on the inside of the coat and we always called that his rabbit pocket , because he very often came home with a rabbit .
3 I was widowed four years ago and I know only too well what a terrible thing it is to suddenly find yourself alone .
4 I am by no means inclined to consider Diodorus a mere copyist of his sources , and I know only too well that by stylistic criteria one could prove that Sir Ronald Syme is the author of some of the books written by his pupils .
5 The other students stayed seated , all turned towards the newcomer , anxious to make his acquaintance , and I knew only too well that he could have any one of them he liked as his friend .
6 And I knew all too well that we possess our lover only in our minds , that passionate love is incom-patible with life .
7 But I remember only too well the time when we had nothing in the bank and we lived in rented property because we 'd sold our home to keep me racing .
8 But I know only too well that you do not love me , that you are marrying me for Papa 's dollars , and that I can not bear .
9 I believe what the Newcastle local authority tells me , because I know only too well how Gateshead has been affected by Government cuts which the local authority has been forced to implement .
10 ‘ Particularly , ’ she continued , quite spoiling the effect , ‘ when I remember all too well what you told me last time we met , as well as … ’
11 He was making for the door when he stopped and half turned back towards her and said , ‘ By the way , Aggie , very little escapes you , as I know only too well , but have you noticed any difference in Jessie of late ? ’
12 That may go down well with some Euro-sceptics among Conservative Members , but it infuriates our partners and reduces our influence in the Community , as I know only too well .
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