Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [verb] about it " in BNC.

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1 well I 'm sorry but from where I 'm looking at it sixty two but not that I 've thought about it in any depth but
2 Now that I 've learnt about it , I want to get away from it as soon as I can . "
3 There was silence for a moment , and the sounds of the hospital intruded again briefly , then Belinda blurted , ‘ What made you feel that I needed to know about it , Faye ? ’
4 His wife rolled her eyes rather and murmured , ‘ And I get to hear about it every day , ’ as her husband hastened away to show us his computer print-out from the medical laboratory .
5 It is n't one of the large free-standing circular linkers ( through Silver do have one of these and I hope to write about it in a later article ) .
6 so and UFAF , UFAF is , is a , in fact UFAF I felt quite pleased about in a way because we 'd , we 'd analyzed Maggie and I had analyzed the documents and Jane and I and Graham and I had spoken about it as well , that they are principally interested in unemployed volunteers
7 On her way out Mrs Bradshaw again suggested that I phone the police , and I promised to think about it in the morning .
8 Go on , have a go alright , right I understand exactly what you 're saying Pauline , right the only thing is the wife and I have thought about it and we 're just not prepared to , you know what I mean , we 're gon na have to take a couple of days , because we wan na think it over
9 this is something we 've , we 've talked about and in fact Lucy and I have talked about it
10 Well do you know if I 'd thought about it
11 She is a lovely person , it would be hard to feel jealous of her , but I do feel a little envious if I stop to think about it .
12 If I start gassing about it to the local vet , ’ she said , ‘ it 'll get all stale and distorted , and I shall be so bored with it I sha n't be able to talk about it at all . ’
13 But I 've thought about it and what 's most important to me is being your friend .
14 ‘ I did n't have nightmares but I do think about it a lot .
15 ‘ Winter Garden was before my time , but I did hear about it in my training .
16 No but I did say about it Lester Piggott on a few weeks ago .
17 But I want to talk about it ! ’ he insisted .
18 But I have thought about it ever since my old friend said that .
19 Well there were the jobs tha that I mentioned really , production manager or assistant director and now he would have been quite happy I know to have done those , because I remember talking about it you know er and he would have been very good at either of them , but erm er he he did n't get well he was a slightly abrasive man , he he he his erm I I think in a way erm he was a director who could who was not really a very good film director , he he could get things done very quickly and that 's why he worked for bash , bash , bash getting through everything quickly .
20 ‘ I would like to ask you three last things before I stop talking about it , ’ Matilda said .
21 When I come to think about it afterwards , I do n't know quite what he was after . ’
22 Has n't changed much , either , when I come to think about it .
23 When I 've thought about it , ’ Maggie mused , surprised at her own reluctance .
24 She said I , I , I linger and when I 've thought about it I say yes ,
25 It 's going really quick in n it , when I keep thinking about it when they go back after half term
26 When I came to think about it , it struck me that almost all the aspects of my eidesis that The Fat Controller played upon had preceded his intervention , rather than followed from it .
27 Yet when I came to think about it , it was only the slang that I did n't quite understand .
28 If somebody says you do n't wan na be rushed , right , that 's what you 've got ta say to them that 's just what that old dear was saying the other day , right you certainly understand that , right , you agree with them , first thing you do you always agree with them , right and then you 've just got the same sequence as I want to think about it , but just sort of make it clear , I mean what is it they actually , you know , frightened of being rushed into ?
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