Example sentences of "[conj] it [adv] [verb] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Although it probably sounds odd that I am suggesting negotiating a written agreement with your teenager , psychologists have been using business-style contracts to resolve family conflicts for some years now .
2 Once again , the fiction of Hollywood merged with fact ; scenes of fantasy portrayed on celluloid for entertainment — like those in Easy Rider had become , it was said , the acted-out realities of a group of people whose minds had been expanded to breaking point , until they performed deeds so indescribably vile that it barely seemed possible that one human being could inflict such wounds upon another for no apparent reason .
3 Such was the power of the press that it quickly became apparent that 23 Pelham Street could no longer cope with the demand .
4 And it also seems likely that Pius XII wanted the cardinals to act as papal legates , representatives of the pope in their different territories , ensuring through the bishops under their charge that true doctrine was taught to the laity .
5 The demand for flour continued to rise and it soon became apparent that considerable savings in both costs and labour could be effected if the repeated handling and transportation could be reduced .
6 And it soon became apparent that very little of what we did in the department would pass any objective assessment of a clearly understood and resourced process to satisfy agreed customer requirements .
7 It was published on 22 July , and it soon became clear that the schools were not interested .
8 Life had not prepared him for the task , and it soon became clear that he lacked the natural shrewdness and strength of character that a Gdansk plumber was to show the Polish bosses three years later .
9 However , the directors insisted that the cashier 's records should be examined and it soon became clear that there were discrepancies in the accounts .
10 The three men met , and it soon became clear that their intentions were different .
11 Our boys made intense efforts to back them up with air support , but were much hampered by consistently bad weather , and it soon became obvious that long supply lines and determined German resistance were combining to bog everyone down .
12 Most important , the real paper , as opposed to the dummy , would be ‘ produced with professional staff , an extensive newsgathering network and extensive resources , and it therefore seems certain that it will be more impressive than the dummy issue ’ , they grandly announced .
13 These two passages should be read again and again before returning to the rest of the text , which is illuminated by them ; and it then becomes clear that the poem is a work of theory , and not a simple narrative of fact .
14 The Bishop said the translator had attended very carefully to all the criticisms and it now seemed likely that we would have to wait until at least the end of the summer before the English edition appears .
15 But Thomson has rejected the IEE 's offers and it now looks certain that the anniversary will be missed .
16 These have dramatically altered and of course improved archaeologists ' knowledge about the duration of various episodes within pre-history , and it now seems possible that archaeology , and particularly prehistoric archaeology , will eventually have a dated historical sequence as clear as that used by historians .
17 This was before the building of New Bridge Road and it now seems impossible that the large convoy of vehicles could ever make its way over the narrow bridges leading into the city .
18 ESA has already spent millions of dollars on Columbus , and it now seems likely that the redesign of Freedom will require a corresponding change in its space laboratory .
19 Since then the population of Stockport has increased and , no doubt , its wealth has increased also , and it certainly seems extraordinary that the School now should be an entire failure .
20 This announcement met with considerable antipathy from Fine Art Investment and Display , and it rapidly became clear that the company would be unlikely to sell to the Barclay brothers .
21 During his convalescence one of Larry 's colleagues , Professor Head , explains to him the basic principles of astrophysics , and it gradually becomes clear that the intra-personal death story is also a metaphoric transposition of the laws of astrophysics onto the dreaming or hallucinating mind .
22 If it now seems self-evident that monitoring of the global environment is necessary , indeed is even vital , the prediction of what is likely to happen is almost as important : the 170 000 people in the Maldives are understandably worried about the prospect of global sea-level change since no part of the islands is more than 2 m above present sea-level !
23 No doubt both tendencies arose in part because the voters themselves became more strongly partisan at that time ; but it also seems likely that television became more strictly impartial ( thereby offending both Labour and Conservative partisans more ) while the press became more stridently partisan ( Chapter 6 ) .
24 It is clear that the role need not always be undertaken by a social worker , but it also seems clear that in situations of family complexity , or personal loss of morale , social workers have particular skills to offer .
25 Predictably , he tapped his nose again , but it immediately became plain that she had underestimated the man .
26 A mechanical bush-clearing company was called in , but it soon became apparent that machines could not accomplish all that was required , and labourers from other tribes were set to work .
27 But it soon became apparent that other people were also affected including injecting drug users , people with haemophilia , people who had received blood transfusions as well as heterosexuals who came into none of these categories .
28 But it soon became apparent that Britain still preferred little more than an effective interlocking system of treaties along the lines of the Treaty of Dunkirk : increasingly , if these were initiated , they would be little more than holding operations until the United States shared in the defence of Western Europe .
29 But it soon became apparent that the divisions between the French and English ran very deep .
30 The full extent of the tragedy was impossible to asses at first , but it soon became apparent that the number who were killed instantly was in excess of 70 .
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