Example sentences of "[conj] it [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 American news coverage of the 1960s riots first came under academic scrutiny in the aftermath of the Watts riot , where it was generally felt that media reporting had exacerbated the conflict .
2 The hearing was held at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court where it was eventually decided that there was a case to answer , and Bogdanov was committed for trial .
3 Glanville Jones ' ideas were based initially on studies of medieval Wales , where it was formerly assumed that a dispersed settlement pattern of pastoral farms had been the norm .
4 This was forgotten by the draftsman in British Railways Board v Elgar House Ltd ( 1969 ) 209 EG 1313 , where it was nevertheless held that for the purposes of the rent calculation parts of the demised property occupied by the headtenant should be deemed to be let at a rack rent .
5 Clashes and scores of casualties continued elsewhere in south-east Turkey , where it was now estimated that about one-third of the Turkish army , or 150,000 troops , were deployed .
6 Rob Andrew went off with a bang on the nose which needed an X-ray , although it was later revealed that there was no fracture , while his replacement Stuart Barnes had 12 stitches in a head wound caused by a stray boot .
7 The final total was 606 , scored in only ten hours of excellent batsmanship , although it was widely felt that the England selectors had helped them along by omitting Foster and playing two spinners , Cook and Miller , on a pitch of low bounce .
8 The need for war , then , was fairly generally accepted , although it was widely recognized that it brought destruction and death .
9 Whether they had taken such action with the explicit authorisation of President Gorbachev remained unclear , although it was widely agreed that he had failed to respond adequately to the loss of life that had occurred .
10 It was hoped that the fund would raise some 6,000 million forints ( about US$80,000,000 ) in 1991/1992 , although it was widely predicted that this would be insufficient to provide for the estimated 300,000 unemployed in Hungary .
11 Interior Minister Carlos Hurtado , had resigned on April 2 citing personal health problems , although it was widely known that he was hostile to Chamorro 's and Lacayo 's policy of co-operating with the Sandinistas .
12 Set up in 1983 under the Finance Act , the BES has been a major facilitator of the channelling of funds to businesses ( Peat Marwick 1986 ) , many of which would apparently not have been able to raise capital without the help of the BES , although it was also reported that very little of the funds were provided for seedcorn businesses .
13 Delegates voted in favour of the " strengthening " of " existing settlements " on the Golan Heights , although it was also resolved that the future of the Golan was negotiable .
14 There was however no detailed evidence of the employer 's turnover or size although it was not disputed that the profit under the contract amounted to $10.8 million .
15 Although it was always recognized that er there were limits to which a person could go .
16 First , although it was always assumed that many from the older urban cores would be rehoused in the new towns , early evidence ( Heraud , 1966 ) shows that it tended to be the better-housed suburbanites who moved , few from the inner cities even knowing of the programme .
17 Although it was always assumed that the Urban Programme would aim to initiate innovative projects , there must be some doubt whether this has always happened .
18 Although it was initially believed that lowering mucosal prostaglandin values in ulcerative colitis would be therapeutic , and that the beneficial effect of therapeutic agents sulfasalazine and 5-ASA analogues is through their ability to inhibit cyclo-oxygenase , it isnow believed that a simple decrease in prostaglandins does not elicit a beneficial effect in ulcerative colitis and may even be harmful .
19 Although it was initially considered that these endoscopic signs were features of disease recrudescence , careful perioperative and postoperative surveillance studies have established that the lesions represent true disease recurrence .
20 LORD Justice Clerk Ross , delivering the opinion of the court , said that it was not disputed that there was sufficient evidence if the jury accepted it to establish that the appellant Low ( the first appellant ) was guilty of charge 3 , the murder charge , on the basis of his own actings .
21 However , I received the impression that the society was more interested in a scheme for a new RUC complaints procedure and that it was not anticipated that it would be taking up the Black affair in a major way .
22 Mr. Langley on behalf of the Bank of England submitted that the basis of the injunction was the relationship of confidence subsisting between the Bank and its customer , and that it was well established that the duty of confidence was overridden by the duty to comply with the law , as shown by Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte Taylor ( No. 2 ) [ 1989 ] 3 All E.R.
23 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
24 Carlos Abadia , leader of the broad-based opposition movement National Civic Crusade ( NCC ) , claimed that it was well known that Ford wished to stand for the presidency in 1994 and that he wished to give up his ministerial post " to reduce the political pressure on him " .
25 [ Around 1800 ] persons … were enabled by their skill and industry to maintain themselves and families in a state of comfort and respectability ; and to keep their own houses and pay taxes , scot and lot , and contribute towards the maintenance of other persons in their profession , who were either sick or in distress , so that it was scarcely known that any person in this trade ever applied for parochial relief .
26 Göring added that it was widely believed that Poland intended to annex East Prussia and Danzig in the near future .
27 He explained the detailed attention which was paid to the background of a child appearing before the Panel and pointed out that it was often revealed that the children concerned came from large families , which were poor and in which there was an absence of adult male guidance .
28 Henry was an exacting master , possessed of so much energy that it was popularly rumoured that he could fly , so swiftly did he travel from place to place .
29 Yesterday , John Wright , counsel for Timex , told Lord Hope , the Lord President , sitting with Lords Allanbridge and Brand , that it was now intended that another interdict would be sought against two officials of the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union and two shop stewards .
30 Furthermore mutual antagonism between France and Germany was so great that it was commonly assumed that only Britain could act as an ‘ honest broker ’ to draw them together .
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