Example sentences of "[conj] it [was/were] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 contrast this with the case of cohen v shaw ( release 014 ) and a similar scottish case elliott v joicy ( 1935sc ( hl ) 57 ) both of which concerned a child in utero where it was decided that a child succeeds in a claim for injuries received .
2 The developer was eventually defeated through the planning system , where it was decided that the pub amounted to an important social amenity .
3 For discussion of " partnership " and transfer from individual licence holder to partnership , see Singh and Kaur v. Kirkcaldy District Licensing Board , 1988 S.L.T. 286 , where it was decided that the licence was held by a partnership with a separate legal persona and that the board were not entitled to look behind that persona at the partners as individuals .
4 It received a new boost in 1990 when John Gribbin and Martin Rees published their The Stuff of the Universe , where it was asserted that the universe came into existence solely in order to create a carbon-based intelligent life-form on just one planet — Earth .
5 Their mission complete the men divided into three parties to march to the coast , where it was planned that a submarine would pick them up .
6 This was the approach adopted by the Divisional Court in Reg. v. Governor of Pentonville Prison , Ex parte Osman [ 1990 ] 1 W.L.R. 277 , 299–300 , where it was stated that the magistrate should reject any evidence which he considers to be worthless .
7 Does this case overrule the authority of The Prince 's Case ( 1606 ) 8 Co Rep 1a , where it was stated that an enactment , even though entered on the parliamentary roll , would not be an Act of Parliament if assented to by the King and the Lords , or the King and the Commons , as the assent of all three is necessary ?
8 Il ; Lazerdale Ltd. v. City of Glasgow Licensing Board , 1988 G.W.D. 36–1484 ( 1st Div. ) where it was held that a radius of 200 metres was a reasonable " locality " under s. 17(I) ( d ) within Glasgow , and Bury v. Kilmarnock and Loudon District Licensing Board , 1989 S.L.T. 110 , where it was held that the board had exercised its discretion unreasonably in refusing to consider an application for an extension on the basis of non-representation without asking whether that non-representation was material as they had all the facts before them .
9 Davies v. Sumner is the leading authority on the meaning of the expression ‘ in the course of a business ’ and has been followed in a case under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , R. & B. Customs Brokers v. United Dominion Trust , where it was held that a business 's buying of two or three cars over a period of five years was an insufficient degree of regularity for the latest such purchase to be regarded as made in the course of the business ( see paragraph 10–18 above . )
10 An attempt to reconcile the cases was made in Taylor Woodrow Property Co Ltd v Lonrho Textiles Ltd ( 1985 ) 275 EG 632 , where it was held that a " two-way " deeming provision ( ie which applied to both landlord and tenant ) made time of the essence , but a " one-way " deeming provision ( ie which applied to the tenant alone ) did not .
11 It was not however accepted by the Court of Appeal in Peter Andrew Russell where it was held that the conversion of the salt ( cocaine hydrochloride ) into the base form amounted to production .
12 Reliance was placed on Director of Public Prosecutions v. Ellis [ 1973 ] 1 W.L.R. 722 , where it was held that the fact that two accused persons had been prosecuted to conviction did not mean that the purposes of Part I of the Act , namely securing compliance with and detecting evasion of the Act , were spent ; and that accordingly it was still open to the authorities to employ their powers to obtain information relative to the same transaction from another person .
13 Where an application to transfer a licence on a change of person with day to day responsibility is lodged out with the eight week time limit , see Argyll Arms ( McManus ) Ltd. v. Lorn , Mid-Argyll , Kintyre and Islay Divisional Licensing Board , 1988 S.L.T. 290 , where it was held that the board required to hear the application outwith the eight week period despite the provision that the licence ceases to have effect .
14 Il ; Lazerdale Ltd. v. City of Glasgow Licensing Board , 1988 G.W.D. 36–1484 ( 1st Div. ) where it was held that a radius of 200 metres was a reasonable " locality " under s. 17(I) ( d ) within Glasgow , and Bury v. Kilmarnock and Loudon District Licensing Board , 1989 S.L.T. 110 , where it was held that the board had exercised its discretion unreasonably in refusing to consider an application for an extension on the basis of non-representation without asking whether that non-representation was material as they had all the facts before them .
15 AA rosettes were introduced to highlight hotels and restaurants where it was judged that the food could be specially recommended .
16 In substance this merely repeated the libel levelled against Mond by the [ New Witness in October 1918 , where it was alleged that the Mond-Nickel Company had distributed shares to enemy subjects without government sanction .
17 Asphalt was often used as a flat-roof surface in older buildings in locations where it was appreciated that a sheet-metal covering would prove unsuitable because of the very large area of roof or where regular foot traffic was anticipated .
18 By 1856 his results were impressive enough to be shown by Brewster to the Académie des Sciences in Paris , and later in Florence and Rome , where it was reported that the pope showed considerable interest in them .
19 All I could do was write a letter , and by the time I 'd written a letter and it got where it was going and a reply got back , a week or two weeks could have gone by .
20 In Henry Kendall & Sons v Wm Lillico & Sons [ 1969 ] 2 AC 31 a course of dealing was established where it was shown that the parties had done business together three or four times per month for three years on the basis that contracts were made orally and the sellers then sent the buyers a 'sold note " containing their terms of trading .
21 This was regarded as being outside the remit of this survey although it was noted that an intentional consequence of any effective training programme should be to diffuse ideas and attitudes throughout the working environment , not least of all to counteract erroneous ideas or unwelcome attitudes .
22 A substantial army marched on London , and although it was defeated and the leaders were put to death , to do so the King had to divert the force which was being prepared for the campaign in Scotland ( 73 , pp. 14–16 ) .
23 Much of the indebtedness of these middle-income countries arose through borrowings in private sector capital markets , mainly the euro-currency markets , and although it was feared that the banks involved were seriously at risk it is becoming clear that rescheduling of debt by the banks with the debtor countries has been possible .
24 Although it was estimated that a further 2,000 more police would be needed to cope with rapidly rising crime ( 40,000 more crimes were reported in 1989 compared with 1988 , and there were 100,000 unsolved cases ) , an estimated 3,540 had left the force for more lucrative jobs as security guards .
25 I refer the Minister to the specific case of the Amoco Montrose platform — now , thankfully , closed — which was given dispensation for nine years although it was known that the accommodation facilities did not meet the fire regulation standards that apply to platforms .
26 Under the agreement the government would help the coal industry to reduce its indebtedness and provide more funds for restructuring , although it was stressed that the miners ' wage demands , such as ending pay differentials between pits , had not been conceded .
27 Although it was found that the defendants had been at fault , Atkinson J. considered that , irrespective of this , the defendants would have been liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher .
28 They insisted their four colleges have a spirit which was ‘ practical rather than academical ’ although it was agreed that the 254 places provided in the colleges were not enough by the end of the century .
29 What 's more , as soon as he heard of your problem , Direct Delivery 's manager immediately visited your home and , although it was agreed that the damage was purely accidental , as an act of goodwill toured the shops in Lisburn to try and find you a replacement .
30 Although it was submitted that the balancing operation had to be conducted in each case and that accordingly we were not bound by Neilson v. Laugharne [ 1981 ] Q.B .
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