Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb mod] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Where it can pick up everybody 's conversation .
2 Or it may dissolve away itself ?
3 Although it may fill both our physical and mental viewing frames , we remain detached from it and have not entered the cluster .
4 The NPA declared that it would step up its insurgency and launch attacks " without prejudice to all relief and rehabilitation efforts " .
5 The Bulgarian government announced on July 10 that it would close down its two oldest nuclear reactors , following a highly critical report on their safety commissioned by the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) .
6 The hound had been given something of Sir Henry 's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him .
7 It was reported in yesterday 's press , however , that North Korea has now agreed to the principle of the nuclear-free Korean peninsula , although it has yet to confirm that it will open up its nuclear installations at Yongbyon and any underground sites to inspection .
8 From here you can use the pull down menus to adjust the size , and proportion of your print image so that it will fit wherever you want it on the page , crop the image so that only part of it will be printed , save it as one of a variety of other file formats such as PCX , IMG , TIF and so on , and select the style and print quality .
9 If a manufacturer of a product says ‘ It can do this and that ’ then my expectation is that it will do exactly what the manufacturer says it can do .
10 Since Hoylake launched its first £13billion bid in the summer , BAT has promised shareholders that it will carry out its own partial break-up of the group .
11 Since Hoylake launched its first £13billion bid in the summer , BAT has promised shareholders that it will carry out its own partial break-up of the group .
12 We are used to the Labour party believing that it can talk up its support by talking the country down .
13 The pollen is tiny and minute , so minute that it can get up your nose and give you hay fever , but er you 're never gon na catch hay fever from modules because they 'll never be released , they 're relatively massive compared with , compared with pollen .
14 It also seems to be so wide in scope that it could encompass almost anything .
15 Greg 's mind played on Viola 's concern with keeping the record ‘ straight ’ , meaning that it must tell only her version .
16 The commercial TV stations are working on a similar idea using broadcast signals ; meanwhile , the telephone corporation is seeking commercial partners so it can try out its idea .
17 She had done better than that and taken it to a jeweller to be plated and put into a mount so it could hang on her chain .
18 It also has adjustable handle height so it will suit both you and your partner .
19 This is quite a long way down for coins of this period and it would explain why I was n't finding anything earlier .
20 So you could actually erm erm put something in joint names even , and it would use up his allowance .
21 and it will speak back what , what the meaning of that word is like with an ordinary dictionary .
22 And it will go either it will come up to the surface itself or it 'll just disappear .
23 A minnow , called the satinfin shiner , purrs , the cod grunts , while the haddock 's love song resembles a motorbike and it will keep up its unmelodious call for 20 minutes at a time .
24 It looked as if it would end up their lead story .
25 I was n't sure if it would work so I had to try it out before buying it .
26 • The Japanese motoring industry is meanwhile considering if it should slow down its expansion into the luxury car market , due to the Gulf crisis hitting fuel prices .
27 Left : Metal contamination is particularly lethal to marine invertebrates , but it will kill off your fish if the levels are allowed to rise unchecked .
28 At first , as he worked , he had reminisced pleasantly to himself about the smells and the texture of paper and ink , and about the pleasure of opening a new roll of papyrus , laid out as far as there was need on soft leather spread over a wooden writing desk ; then mixing the ink powder with water , and the nervous moment of dipping the brush to make the first signs — to load the brush just so , in order that the ink would be absorbed by the paper before it could run down it .
29 Though it may look easy there is a right way to walk , to sit , to turn , to remove a coat . ’
30 Right Mr Gordon I think the room is now as full as it can get so we 'll kick off today 's proceedings er could you start by introducing your team for the record .
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