Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] only [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere deep in Robbie 's rapidly fading consciousness a little warning voice admonished her not to let this happen , that it would only lead to heartache .
2 The Israeli delegation rejected such an interpretation and insisted that it would only negotiate with a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation .
3 He waited in growing irritation while a woman minutely described her missing cat , and impressed on the desk-sergeant that it would only answer to the name Roger .
4 And , when you bought it , you knew for certain that it would only work on one specific piece of typesetting equipment .
5 After the model had been repaired , Watt discovered that it would only work for a few stroked and then stop .
6 If the case had been one of estoppel , it might be said that in any event the estoppel would cease when the conditions to which the representation applied came to an end , or it also might be said that it would only come to an end on notice .
7 First , the very fact that this standard of review is so limited means that it will only serve as a long stop to catch extreme examples of aberrant administrative behaviour .
8 ‘ That ought to be a blinding glimpse of the obvious , and it should also be obvious that it will only happen through disciplined and focused teaching .
9 In all of this , the Library recognises that it can only advance in the closest possible cooperation and consultation with those organisations , most notably university departments and university libraries , which have already set in place the academic and technological infrastructure to which we hope to make an increasingly useful contribution .
10 We know that it can only oscillate at frequencies which correspond to the fundamental note and its overtones .
11 The bee enters the flower to collect the nectar , pollinating it in the process , but then finds that it can only escape from the flower by crawling along a narrow , tortuous channel .
12 The DTI consider that although the title of the Directive applies to all contracts involving consumers , the recitals and indeed parts of the text , imply that it can only apply to contracts for the supply of goods and services .
13 Though that Act makes the partnership a corporation , [ it is said ] … that this is merely for the purpose of carrying on the business mentioned in it , and that it can only sue in respect of matters necessarily incident to that purpose .
14 You should get there at all costs , because it is an absolutely astonishing place , but the nature of the spectacle is such that it can only work on you properly if the cirque is not being mobbed ; it demands a certain loneliness , and on afternoons in July and August , for instance , the coaches are said to have to queue before they can get into the village of Gavarnie .
15 One jerk , one shudder , one small loss of control and it would spill over into a chaos so terrible that it could only end in death .
16 Hareven , in her discussion of early industrial society in America ( 1978 ) , suggests that this type of exchange was more common than sharing households , but that it could only operate on a reciprocal basis .
17 turning the output into mono because at the moment it 's stereo and it 'll only come through one earhole .
18 That means we support a top tax rate of 50 per cent , but not higher — and it would only bite on incomes above £50,000 , not the £40,000 where Labour 's 59 per cent begins . ’
19 He also warns : ‘ Never create a myth : it may come to life ’ ( at this the trumpet theme from Petrushka shrieks loud and clear ) ‘ and it will only end in sawdust . ’ ’
20 I own it , I paid for it , but it would only go to someone that was old enough , mature enough .
21 I recently purchased a frozen meal described as two portions , but it would only do as a meal for one .
22 But it would only fly into Sarajevo if the United Nations gave the go ahead .
23 This cake is so moist that you do n't really need a frosting , but it can only enhanced with cream cheese frosting ( see below ) .
24 And the only thing that seems to stand in the way of doing anything commercially sensible with County Farms is that every time we deal with it , somebody says , ah , but it can only exist as an entity , let's keep it as that , let's pass it on to a trust , let's safeguard it , let's do this and that .
25 The finance director of one of the companies says he believes that the productivity increases attributable to IT are coming to an end : ‘ Auditors are getting more productive — but it can only go to a certain level . ’
26 A body corporate may be a member of the committee ( r 6.150(3) ) but it can only act through a representative duly authorised in accordance with r 6.156 .
27 The relationship should still be special and unique , but it will only survive as something good and precious if it is allowed to grow into a friendship between equals .
28 Be careful , señorita , to catch that love when it comes , because it may only come to you once . ’
29 No it 's because it 'll only look at the
30 If you 've got a per perfectly good answer , do n't start writing a load of waffle as well because it 'll only detract from your mark .
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