Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] time [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It warns you that it 's time to reach for the stop button .
2 Mannheim 's message is that it is time to move from a Newtonian to an Einsteinian social universe .
3 Amiss had a fruitless stab at trying to imagine Joan , Kate or Mary tumbling with Ramsbum and then wisely concluded that it was time to go to bed .
4 The BX 4x4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had , reluctantly , to admit that it was time to head for home .
5 The BX 4×4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had reluctantly to admit that it was time to head for home .
6 He said : ‘ During that year it was decided that there was life beyond Impact 92 and that it was time to look at a total economic development strategy for the city rather than just a one year one . ’
7 We decided that it was time to start on Jack Nopps ' apricot brandy .
8 ‘ And now , ’ he said , ‘ you are rested and fed and — how do you English say ? — watered , so it is time to learn of each other . ’
9 It 's not even dawn yet , but breakfast is finished and it 's time to get on the road .
10 The following afternoon , Reynard Lennon admitted he could go no further in this research and it was time to report to Jahsaxa .
11 This keeps him happy until it is time to go to the nursery by which time she has cleared up the mess .
12 He had some notion of hiding in the ruins until it was time to go to the theatre .
13 Instead he read a paper he 'd bought in Trieste and forgotten to throw away , immersing himself in a debate over the council 's delay in resurfacing the streets in an outlying zone of the city until it was time to go to work .
14 and I put the fruit and vegetables in the buggy and we come straight home cos it 's time to eat by then .
15 They know our taste in music here , and the whole place rocks until around 5am , when it 's time to retire to the sunrise , tuck into t burger at the Star Club café just outside , or go on and do whatever else you want to do .
16 After that I made a habit of sending Timmy upstairs ahead of me when it 's time to go to bed .
17 The children , at first shy , soon lost their inhibitions when it was time to put on the camp play , enjoying a freedom which many other youngsters take for granted .
18 But when it was time to go to bed , Catherine put her arms round her father 's neck to say goodnight , and immediately screamed , ‘ Oh , he 's dead , Heathcliff !
19 The overnight snooze [ all of one-and-a-half hours ] on the ferry was hardly over when it was time to drive onto Reims , where crews from Oslo , Berlin and Edinburgh met for a deserved rest .
20 When it was time to get off the bus , he gave me what I thought was a friendly smile , and said , ‘ It 's all right , dear , I agree with you . ’
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