Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This discourages mounting adhesive from oozing on to the lower surface of the preparation , where it would affect attachment on the lapping machine 's vacuum chucks .
2 Apparently the hyperparasite infects only mistletoe and so V. loranthi can be safely introduced into new areas , where it will attack mistletoes without parasitising any other plants .
3 The final separation may mean an agony of divided loyalty for the children of the marriage or it may spell relief from intolerable tensions which have developed over a long period .
4 Or it may give rise to a level of customer price-sensitivity which was hitherto absent in the target market segment .
5 When it strikes the surface it may either rebound , thus repeating its motion , or it may start saltation in another sand grain by impact .
6 The information transmission will inevitably be two-way but the main purpose may be transmission from interviewer to interviewee as in an appraisal interview , from interviewee to interviewer as in an opinion survey , or it may change direction during the course of the interview as in a patient-doctor interview .
7 The company with the contract may spend the money , or part of it , at its plants in other States , or it may subcontract part of the work out-of-State . )
8 The perchlorate ion can occur as isolated , undistorted ions , or as distorted but essentially unattached ions , loosely attached through one or two oxygen atoms to one or two metal ions , or it may take part in hydrogen bonding to water molecules in hydrated salts .
9 As we have already seen ( p. 21 ) , this may be quite clear , or it may require decisions to be made about who will be included and who will be omitted .
10 The variation might help your reader understand you and your writing , or it might hinder understanding of what you write .
11 The group can be asked to respond to what one individual has just said ; or it can focus discussion on one individual at a time ; or the counsellor can ensure that the group discusses general or shared problems , or that it links and compares different problems faced by individuals within the group .
12 Kenya could encourage further ‘ dependent ’ exports , or it could provide assistance for local producers to gain the necessary skills .
13 The client will often be promising less than it hopes to be able to deliver : although it may exclude liability for defects in goods , the client will generally seek to deliver goods free from defects , in order to establish or maintain its commercial reputation and protect its trading relationships .
14 That comes from the se , the seabed churning it up but the sea is never still , it 's tossing and in , as the movement there underneath , although it may appear calm on the surface , but there are times when it 's not calm on the surface , it 's as rough on top as it is underneath .
15 The definition of price stickiness which we shall employ in this section does not in fact alter very much the policy implications of the model developed in the previous chapter , although it may have implications for the test of that model .
16 The professional debate needs to take place on different ground and the professional service , although it may have buildings among its outputs , will have to have deep human and social insights among its inputs .
17 If a dispute arises , a court will probably not take account of the layout in construing the contract , although it may take account of headings and/or marginal notes .
18 Although it may require attendance before the district judge or taxing master , if it is a big case with costs of £10,000 — £20,000 , an extra 5 to 20 per cent is not to be thrown away lightly .
19 This approach requires very different kinds of investment , unlikely to save institutional funds overall , although it will shift funds towards areas such as networking infrastructure .
20 Although it will show paintings by Larry Rivers , Alex Katz , Red Grooms , Frank Auerbach and RB Kitaj , it is featuring those Spanish and South American artists whom it represents .
21 GEC , Ferranti 's main British rival in radar , is also keen to mount a takeover bid but would encounter fierce Ministry of Defence opposition on the grounds that it would damage competition in electronics procurement .
22 Moreover , on July 28 Turkey announced that it would refuse permission for the use of Turkish bases to launch allied attacks against Iraq .
23 I had no idea what having a baby would mean , only that it would make escape from Roundhay impossible .
24 It has been argued that it would make sense for whoever runs the train services to also take responsibility for the track .
25 The Mexican federal government announced on July 15 , 1989 , that it would commit $13,750,000 to " regenerate " Mexico 's rainforest over the following 10 years .
26 The visit , formally approved by the Japanese Cabinet on Aug. 25 , was fiercely opposed by right-wing nationalists who feared that it would involve pressure upon the Emperor to apologise to the Chinese people for Japan 's brutal military intervention in the country between 1931 and 1945 .
27 The government diffused pressure to include RE in the National Curriculum by arguing that it would form part of the statutory ‘ basic curriculum ’ provided for by section 2(1) of the Act .
28 But what Mary wished to have , in keeping with what the other ladies wore , was a ring of such quality that it would draw looks of admiration … such as a dazzling diamond ring .
29 It was previously suggested that one reason attention focusing might actually impair recognition of non-risky junctions is that it would prevent subjects from attending to useful peripheral information .
30 He hoped that it would express disquiet at the circumstances of the Tully-West shooting and would call publicly for an independent inquiry .
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