Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [adv] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 But at the moments you wish you were shot of the whole thing you know perfectly well that it 's precisely because you could n't endure to be without it , now you know about it , that you 've got to go through all this .
2 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
3 I dare say , though , knowing you as I do , that it 's only because you 've thought up some other diabolical vengeance to inflict on me . ’
4 You should also bear in mind that it is only once you have reached the end of the road in trying to obtain satisfaction through the Bank 's own complaints system that the Ombudsman will be able to formally consider your complaint .
5 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
6 Everything I have learnt teaches me that it is only when you work with rather than against people that achievement and lasting success is possible .
7 The prevailing value system suggests that it is only if you have paid in full for what you receive that you fully deserve to have it .
8 My idea of prison was that it was somewhere where you were locked up and picked on all the time — that was my impression .
9 However there are no waymarks where the route crosses open moorland so it 's best if you can use a map and compass .
10 Err , the reference to playing the Spurs list was just my little joke , I 'm afraid , so it 's best if you leave your boots behind , Halvard .
11 In Rangoon contemporary and colonial Burma continue to co-exist decades after the British departure and it 's here that you will spend your first two nights at either the Inya Lake or Strand Hotel .
12 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
13 It maybe faithful for a long time , perhaps you build up that trust , and it 's only once you 've got beyond that , that you can then begin to actually influence er , negotiate with them .
14 And it 's only because you said , previously er , that she was a sort of feminist that when , he said do this do that and she said very frankly to him do you think just because I 'm going to marry you I shall commit ?
15 And it 's then that you 're gon na work out how much you need
16 Pressing on OK shows the resulting bullet chart in the Slide Editor and it is here where you can change the bullet attributes if required
17 And it is there that you also are staying ? ’
18 These older boards still sail perfectly well in lighter winds and it is only when you start improving to stronger wind conditions that the difference becomes apparent .
19 Everyone has some quality they like , even if it is just that you are kind to animals .
20 If it is even if you 've never heard of them before you know sort of funnium carbonate or something
21 I mean , if it 's just that you 're too close to it and you do n't want me to look at it , there are people I know who 're good at that sort of thing ; they can see the wood from the trees ; they could — ’
22 ‘ Oh , well , ’ scornfully , ‘ if it 's just so you can blow your own trumpet … ’
23 Well okay , those of you who liked the Shakespeare better , for whatever reasons , even if it 's just because you did n't get to grips with Johnson , which of the plays , first of all , erm did you find most interesting ?
24 Now that 's a drawback in many respects , but it 's also if you er think about it , a very good selling point .
25 But it 's also if you got , if you ai n't
26 as much as anything , but it 's only cos you 're writing a letter , and you say oh hello you writing a letter to mum , he says no I killed her to come here , you do n't put your foot in it a big way , but after a while because you know nobody there is nice it really makes a lot of difference people
27 The front of the machine sports some graceful curves , but it 's only when you take a peek round the back that you get some inkling that this one is different .
28 But it 's really when you 're together , you work on them more , do n't you ?
29 I I told you when it was yesterday but you did n't remember !
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