Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [adj] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly relevant in attitude surveys , where it is important not to assume that people 's expressed attitudes , on , say , race relations , are consistent with their actual behaviour .
2 Although it is vital not to get too high , there is no advantage trying to fly very close to the ground , except perhaps when taking off from a very short field .
3 But it 's so strict that it 's impossible not to think about it sometimes .
4 They say that it 's OK not to want sex just after your child is born .
5 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
6 I 'm positively not the person to advise anyone on cut-price marine systems or to encourage the idea that it is possible not to compromise such principles by going down market .
7 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
8 This need not be the case , for advancements in the use of technology within the catering kitchen have progressed to the extent that it is unusual not to find a catering establishment using high technology within the work-place .
9 I think that it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the judgment relates specifically to Claus Ramrath 's circumstances and , in particular , the fact that Mr Ramrath had already obtained authorisation locally as a reviseur d'entreprises .
10 A review of recent research led Coleman ( 1986 ) to conclude that reminiscence therapy could not be said to stand on a very solid base , and that it is important not to make generalizations about the value of reminiscence to any particular individual .
11 Clara did not enjoy her sausage , for it was burned black on the outside and raw in the middle , and her mother had told her that it was impossible not to get worms from raw sausage meat , but the taste of the damp mince with its bitter crust remained a strong reminder of illicit pleasure .
12 I lived in a room off the kitchen , so thin-walled that it was impossible not to hear what was happening in the dining room unless Wu had a gadget going .
13 Democracy was demanded , and admitted , on the ground that it was unfair not to have it in a competitive society .
14 The men who inserted these phrases knew what they were doing , and they knew also that it was important not to overdo the subject of the primacy .
15 So thin , in fact , that it was difficult not to share the view of Rogan Taylor , former chairman of the FSA , that the FA 's real motive was to restore Hillsborough 's status in support of their bid for the finals of the 1996 European Championship .
16 Illness develops slowly over several weeks ( or more ) and treatment is more successful in the early stages , so it is essential not to put off seeing a doctor .
17 FIGURE 2 In scumbling , the aim is to create a light and airy surface so it is important not to overload the brush or stay too long in one area .
18 Both parasites and predators are affected by insecticides , however , so it is important not to combine biological control with chemical sprays .
19 Remember you can only use a Dispel Scroll once , so it 's important not to waste any .
20 Mr Murray said it cost about £100,000 a year for each intensive care bed so it was important not to over-budget for beds which would not be fully used .
21 We keep getting beaten by the odd goal and it 's disappointing not to get anything from these matches , ’ he said .
22 Like , it would be nonsensical to get Paul Weller to go play live on a kids ’ Saturday TV show , and it 's the same for all our artists : there 's a right environment for them and a wrong one , and it 's important not to force them .
23 However , the practice of conveyancing is a professional practice and it is important not to lose sight of good professional standards in one 's conduct .
24 Most children do grow out of their sensitivities gradually , and it is important not to keep them on a restricted diet any longer than necessary .
25 This is easeful music , and it is difficult not to like it .
26 Albania , however , definitely is a part of the developing world in the middle of Europe and it is difficult not to compare Albania with my previous experiences in Africa .
27 Occasional statistics sometimes throw light on the problem ; in 1875 Gladstone 's pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees sold 100,000 copies and it is difficult not to see in this a level of religious interest which later declined .
28 Its success will depend upon people believing that Mr Lamont knows what he was doing , and that his forecasts are reliable ; and it is difficult not to reflect that an alternative Chancellor would have had carried more conviction .
29 Hunt as the Surveyor to the Dean and Chapter of the Abbey must have been involved , and it is difficult not to assume that he had a conflict of loyalties in this transaction .
30 However , this " sun-washed " effect , which emulates the ageing process , is often achieved by chemical washing , and it is advisable not to take the term too literally .
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