Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [adv] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Although it is now used with a cup , the saucer had a very different origin .
2 They escaped with the vehicle although it was later found with its contents , forty thousand pounds worth of clothing , still inside .
3 The museum staff knew the name of Damiani , although it was not recalled with much enthusiasm .
4 It may be argued that because the affective domain deals with qualitative differences it can not be planned for in the same systematic way that is applied to knowledge , and that it is best dealt with by providing suitable models , and by discussion when problems and student needs arise .
5 The plume of smoke is safely confined to the lower atmosphere , which means that it is soon mixed with fresh air and removed from the sky by rain .
6 This condition is mostly dealt with in the community , which often means that it is not dealt with at all .
7 First , he assumes that it is not correlated with permanent consumption .
8 The most famous example is the Rainbow Lobby , which reminds donors in unreadably small footnotes to its fliers that it is not affiliated with Jesse Jackson 's Rainbow Coalition .
9 Jameson and Davis recognise , however , that it is somehow linked with developments in capitalism itself .
10 But there will be no increase for spirits , a move welcomed by the Scottish whisky industry which has always argued that it is unfairly dealt with .
11 Although the Bcl-2 protein is membrane-associated r7–10 , its subcellular location is controversial : two studies have suggested that it is mainly associated with the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum , whereas another study has suggested that it is mainly located in the inner mitochondrial membrane .
12 The ‘ I ’ , he would have argued , only means something in relation to all the other words that it is usually compared with — in this case the personal pronouns like ‘ you ’ , ‘ she ’ or ‘ it ’ .
13 It is a symptom of the high esteem in which ivory has consistently been held in civilized societies that it is often linked with gold and precious stones .
14 A purchaser is only likely to avoid liability for dismissals before completion if either the dismissal was for a reason unconnected with the sale ( eg gross misconduct ) or the dismissal was sufficiently far in advance of completion that it was not connected with the sale .
15 What must be noted here is that much of the strength of the political ethos propagated in prewar years rested on its incorporation and distortion of concepts and assumptions whose origins were far back in Japanese history , and which were broadly unquestioned by the majority of the population ; and that it was firmly integrated with the social system and standard code of morality and behaviour .
16 The advent of the boiled bait , not too long before the hair-rig , married very well to this new technique , for it later became apparent that the success of the hair-rig owed a lot to the fact that it was generally used with boilies .
17 He also showed that it was closely connected with erysipelas .
18 And she did n't think that it was totally connected with the arrival of that poison pen letter this morning .
19 Once it was experimentally isolated with a highly-sexed female and was observed to mate several times , but the female failed to become pregnant , confirming the typical male tortoiseshell infertility .
20 ‘ I went to read his Vico and it 's still crammed with his manuscript notes , bursting with them , between every page .
21 Yes , if I can mention that the is on the and it 's really associated with the government 's intention to raise the er limit of lorries to forty tons by nineteen ninety nine .
22 Any opening of oneself psychically , particularly at ancient sites which have a long and largely unknown history , can be hazardous , and it is best undertaken with caution and proper attunement .
23 This is the method of knitting Fair Isle on the older push-button machines and it is also used with the ribber and double bed colour changer for double jacquard .
24 It has its own associated pattern of atmospheric circulation , named after Sir Gilbert Walker who identified it early in this century ( Figure 3 ) , and it is also associated with changes in the pattern of surface temperature .
25 Money , though , is the most tangible indicator we have of the value of our work , and it is inextricably linked with status .
26 This condition is known as ‘ familial hypercholesterolaemia ’ ( too much cholesterol in the blood ) and it is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet .
27 Supermarkets seldom have time to nurture the cheese to full maturity and it is often sold with a large , hard ‘ chalk ’ in the centre of the paste , which is flavourless and most unpleasant to eat .
28 It was a long document which took about forty minutes to read and it was not greeted with warm enthusiasm .
29 In the centre of the room there was a raised dais , and it was also roofed with gold .
30 It belonged to a period of architecture that was both ugly and ornate , and it was fairly covered with scrolls and plaques and turrets and totally unnecessary little balconies .
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