Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun prp] [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Already in January 1948 they had yielded up the clause in the wartime Quebec Agreement which stated that neither Britain nor the United States would use nuclear weapons without the consent of the other .
2 As for rule 2.12. ( 1 ) , Mr. Beloff submits that this supports his submission , not that of Mr. Collins , since what it does is to provide that the Norwich Union must have rules which will ensure that appointed representatives such as Winchester comply with the Lautro Rules .
3 Most of its clients reside in South Wales but it was considered that the West Midlands would offer an additional source of berth holders .
4 Stirling , the strategic thinker , had already reasoned that the Afrika Korps would have to re-route their supply lines and that the small port of Bouerat , 300 miles to the west , would become extremely important .
5 Douglas had his horn blown again and cried out that the Lord Dacre must hand over Balliol , or these , his people , would pay the penalty .
6 COMPANIES in the offshore oil business were urged yesterday to change their thinking on ways of operating so that the North Sea could compete with other areas seeking shares of limited investment funds .
7 These estimates confirm that the United Kingdom will remain an important oil producer .
8 Is not the position that the United Kingdom will remain a very substantial oil producer until well into the next century ?
9 I hope and believe that the United Kingdom will take the lead in reforming the Community .
10 Is not the Minister embarrassed that 11 countries are signing a protocol stipulating that the United Kingdom will take no part in the Community 's deliberations on the social agenda ?
11 It is possible to read paragraph ( b ) of this declaration as implying that the United Kingdom will execute Letters of Request seeking the production of particular documents specified in the Letter and required by way of ‘ discovery ’ , even if they do not ( in the words of the corresponding Rule of the Supreme Court ) 502 ‘ relate to a matter in question in the cause or matter ’ .
12 Does he agree with Sir Patrick that the United Kingdom can retain its pre-eminent role in Europe in the financial services sector only if it subscribes enthusiastically to the principle of a single currency ?
13 We do not believe that the United Kingdom should import any toxic and hazardous waste .
14 The rationale for this is , of course , the fear that the United States may lose its military lead and superiority over the Soviet Union .
15 That morning , just after Sullivan had received a cable form Washington telling him to inform the new government that the United States would continue diplomatic relations with Iran , machine guns mounted on the surrounding buildings all opened up in a pre-arranged barrage .
16 A senior US trade official said the decision to ditch the two-day talks made it more likely that the United States would go ahead with sanctions as it had threatened .
17 In January the United States National Science Foundation ( NSF ) , which managed US research in Antarctica , said that the United States would allocate US$30,000,000 to finance a plan to remove hazardous wastes from Antarctica and ship them back to the USA for treatment .
18 Inevitably signatories of the Convention must now deny any such intention , although when the provisions on transit rights were negotiated it was assumed ( or at least hoped ) that the United States would ratify the Convention .
19 It is likely that Stalin was confident that the situation would evolve in Russia 's favour , for it appeared improbable that the United States would pursue an active policy of intervention in the Asian continent and the left would possess the initiative in decision-making within Korean politics , since much of the right was discredited through collaboration with the Japanese .
20 By its declaration of Palestinian independence the PNC filled the inter-statal void left by Jordan 's abdication of the West Bank , though it was doubtful that the United States would accept it as such .
21 Jewel Lafontant , the United States co-ordinator for refugee affairs , said on March 16 that the United States would accept half of any new Vietnamese boat people fleeing to Hong Kong , as long as they were considered to be genuine refugees ; only 11 per cent of those as yet screened in the colony had been classified as such .
22 The new relationship meant that the United States would support Israel against any regional adversary which was either an actual or potential ally of the Soviet Union .
23 He also addressed the Federal Assembly , promising that he would urge the US Congress to authorize a US$60,000,000 Czechoslovak-USA enterprise fund , and that the United States would support Czechoslovakia in negotiations with the IMF and World Bank .
24 He insisted that the United States would have to learn to live as other nations had lived for centuries — namely by co-existing with powerful rivals under the protection offered by the balance of power .
25 As argued elsewhere ( Tomkins , 1987 ) , both Mrs Thatcher in moving to a more competitive economy in the United Kingdom and President Kennedy in declaring that the United States would put a man on the moon established very strong ideologies based more on fundamental beliefs as to what was required than on extensive rational analysis , and they both achieved considerable change .
26 In his first address to the UN since taking office , United States President George Bush on Sept. 25 made proposals for cuts in chemical weapons , saying that the United States would begin elimination of 60 per cent or 98 per cent of its chemical weapons respectively , provided the Soviet Union cut its own stockpile to an equal level or eliminated it completely ; and that the USA would destroy all its chemical weapons within 10 years if the countries capable of producing such weapons signed a total ban treaty .
27 And that is the significance of James Baker 's speech announcing that the United States would take responsibility for rebuilding Iraq and Kuwait .
28 In short if you er ta er taking er Kennedy 's decision over Vietnam , if he decided to do nothing , this would have been very damaging to him politically because of the declared er policy of the global containment of communism and the expectations of his domestic public that the United States would take action to defend the free world wherever the free world was challenged without much questioning about what the free world actually was , I mean the fact that er er South Vietnam was run by a rather squalid dictatorship was neither here nor there erm so erm you have to er evaluate when you 're contemplating er actions of this kind what failure would mean in domestic political terms .
29 Uffe Ellemann-Jensen , the Foreign Affairs Minister , announced on May 3 , 1990 , that the United States would close its military base in Soendre Stroemfjord in Greenland in 1991 .
30 On the day the treaty was signed the Heads of Government of Egypt and Israel sent a joint letter to the President of the United States confirming their understanding that the United States would participate in all stages of the negotiation .
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