Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun prp] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 But when he mentioned that the MacQuillan business in the United States was in trouble , she automatically asked what sort of trouble .
32 He said that it was suspected that the SIB unit at the cottage was an army intelligence assassination squad .
33 I understand that the Lancashire section of the review of local government is to take place later this year and that it may include the consideration of changes to local government boundaries in this area .
34 The hall was bigger than the Cromarty Hall in the village ; it could accommodate more local people and more of the television cameras that by now were multiplying daily , along with their crews , reporters , producers , and the army of newspaper journalists and feature writers that by this time had gathered in Orkney .
35 Forester 's fiction is as meticulous in detail and as active in plots as that of O'Brian , yet the Hornblower novels are basically romantic adventures , built on sentiment as much as on action and answering more directly than the Aubrey tales to the simplest conventions of the adventure story .
36 In the end , areas were to be selected for three years ( at NUTS Level III ) according to the following conditions : an unemployment rate higher by at least 15 per cent than the EC average during the previous three years , and industrial employment as a percentage of total employment greater than the EC average in every year of the previous fifteen years .
37 As for the controversy , he says : ‘ They are certainly less shocking than the Schnittke cadenzas for the Beethoven Violin Concerto .
38 At least until the 1970s , the Plenderwald forests were West Germany 's traditional playground , more important to the citizens of the Federal Republic for weekending or walking holidays than Britain 's New Forest or the South Downs , with a greater role in the national heritage of myth , folklore and literature than the Lake District to the English or the Great Glen to the Scots .
39 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
40 A homogeneous solution is obtained when the Gibbs free energy of mixing , i.e. when the Gibbs free energy of the solution G 12 is lower than the Gibbs functions of the components of the mixture G 1 and G 2 .
41 Everyday is election day in politics and few governments have been more aware of it than the Westminster ones since the beginning of the ‘ Ulster troubles ’ .
42 Although the August amendments to the Public Security Act had made chief district officers ( CDOs ) more accountable by ordering them to maintain law and order through district police , on Oct. 6 the government announced that CDOs had been armed with unlimited powers under the Security Act , as amended in September , to hold anyone in preventive detention for the maintenance of law and order .
43 As to last night 's match where Portsmouth came back twice to draw with aforementioned Scum , if the Parker foul on the pompey midfielder was not a penalty then I do n't know what is .
44 If the DH sites of the integrated transgenes were of functional use they should be maintained in an appropriate copy-number dependent fashion in transgenic mice .
45 Prisons had now reached a turning point and the Woolf Report into the Strangeways riots had set the scene for dramatic reform , Mr Clarke said .
46 The major tropical and subtropical river deltas of the world including the Mekong delta of Kampuchea and Vietnam , the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta of Bangladesh , the Nile delta of Egypt and the Mississippi delta of the USA are also of major concern because of the large populations they support and the importance of such areas for agriculture ( figure 6.20 ) .
47 It has delivered electronic versions of standard technical reference books from publishers McGraw-Hill and the CRC Press in the US , and also has its own titles .
48 These are addressed in the first five rooms , which treat late Bellini , Giorgione ( above all in the half-lengths ) , the Venetian Sebastiano , early Titian and the Giorgione-Titian-Campagnola controversy among the drawings .
49 Past and Present , vol. xlix , 1970 ; C. Thompson , ‘ Maximilian Petty and the Putney Debate on the Franchise ’ , ibid. , vol. lxxxviii , 1980 ; R. L. Greaves and R. Zaller ( eds . ) ,
50 In her early years as Prime Minister she largely left the negotiations over Rhodesia ( Zimbabwe ) and the EEC budget to the Foreign Office .
51 Then , just before the club 's debut v. Cromley Royal Artillery ( 1931 ) Ltd , fighting broke out in the dressing room and the Mitchley contingent in the crowd were surprised to discover the team was five players short and called Whaddon Athletic .
52 Like it or not , high-tech communications have arrived in the Soviet Union , and the King Canutes of the interior ministry have become an absurdity .
53 The richness of the Malesian flora , for example , may be partly accounted for by the Laurasian elements in the lowland rain forest and the Gondwana elements in the heath forest and in montane communities .
54 Thousands of tons of explosives were dumped in a deep trench between the Isle of Man and the Kintyre peninsula after the war .
55 Berkshire is an example of the former , and the Lake District of the latter .
56 Central Council would like to thank PPP Beaumont 's management and staff and the Oxford Branch of the Association for their contribution to the success of this scheme .
57 I flash upon my own family ; the way I have to think a moment before deciding who to include in my family , whether to include the step-parents or the siblings on my father 's side whom I would not know should I see them on the street , the hastiness of Mom and Larry on Sunday swirls between galleries and sushi , untapered by excess or sentimentality , busy with books and foreign films and the Sunday supplement of the New York Times , the wisdom of Ivy Leagues and schedules too dense to live by , to wake by , to sleep and breathe by .
58 In fact , Henry the Lion ruled territories extending from the Baltic and the North Sea to the Adriatic , but his period of favour and amicable relationship with Barbarossa was not to last long .
59 ‘ Millions are spent on the film business each year and the BBC deal with the subject with a programme that costs pennies . ’
60 Throughout the morning on which Morse was addressing his audience in Bath , and stripping away the deceptions and the half-truths which hitherto had veiled the naked truth of the case , there was much activity at the Trout Inn , a fine riverside hostelry set between the weir and the Godstow Lock in the village of Wolvercote , only a couple of miles out on the western side of North Oxford .
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