Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun sg] of [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 Changes in the entry of calcium ions , or the phosphorylation of membrane constituents , or the activation of NMDA receptors , all seem plausible ways of bringing about a temporary change in the electrical properties of a cell , but what makes the change persist — what puts the L into LTP — should be the important question , if LTP is really to serve as a model for long-term memory .
32 ‘ We just could n't afford the rent increase from £21,000 to £48,000 or the sort of insurance premiums we would have to pay to cover repairs and the upkeep of the pub , ’ she said .
33 Additionally , the fouling of footways by dogs must be prevented , perhaps through ‘ poop-scoop ’ bye-laws , or the employment of dog wardens ( Figure 8.5 ) .
34 Therefore , in the context of contracts for clinical services , or the establishment of community drugs formularies , the lowest cost option is not necessarily the most efficient .
35 Community can have an occupational referent : for example , the pilot community , the crofting community or the community of airport workers .
36 Changes in the entry of calcium ions , or the phosphorylation of membrane constituents , or the activation of NMDA receptors , all seem plausible ways of bringing about a temporary change in the electrical properties of a cell , but what makes the change persist — what puts the L into LTP — should be the important question , if LTP is really to serve as a model for long-term memory .
37 Many lived in squalor and poverty , went short of food when times were hard and were kept from starvation only by the meagre income they gained from non-farming pursuits , whether sidework or the labour of family members working further afield on a temporary or permanent basis .
38 Inquiries should be directed to the director of environment at Durham County Hall ( tel. ext. 2442 ) or the director of development services at Darlington town hall ( tel .
39 Users are required to adhere to all legal requirements , contractual licences and agreements approved by the Senate , the Educational Services Policy and Planning Committee , the Computer Policy and Planning Committee or the Director of Computer Services in relation to the protection of data , software and network access or usage .
40 Latterly , however , it had become no more than a framework for the recording of successes , with little attention being paid to problems such as the intensification of production or the improvement of food supplies .
41 The indicators that are traditionally used are the money spent on health care or the number of health workers per head of population .
42 The environmental group Greenpeace has halted its campaign against seal hunting by Greenlanders , saying it is not opposed to the hunting or the sale of sealskin coats from the Danish territory .
43 For example , supporting a sector of national industry may increase the costs of the goods or services provided to industry as a whole ; or the use of state enterprises to control inflation may increase the state 's fiscal problems because of the need for higher subsidies .
44 If anyone requires official introductions — backing to negotiate halls — personalised promotional material or the use of display boards and/or video — please contact who will be delighted to help .
45 At a molar ratio of 2:1 ( DNA:protein ) , where the ratio of recognition sites to protein is 4:1 , all the endonuclease will be bound to available sites .
46 The motor quickly reaches the stepping rate where the frequency of position pulses from the encoder is within the capture range of the phase.locked.loop , which generates the input signal to a voltage-controlled-oscillator .
47 Hence , i.e. ( where the choice of length scales follows the principles introduced in Chapter 11 ) .
48 We also found that in the South East of England ( including Greater London ) , where the density of IT employers is very high , DP staff turnover levels as high as 40 per cent were being recorded in 1986,6 compared to ( only ! ) 25 per cent in the previous year ( quoted in Computing , 30/10/86 ) .
49 In the rest of the country , where the density of IT employers is much lower , turnover was much lower , perhaps in the order of 10 per cent and often less .
50 Just where the boundary of deviance lies is difficult to determine .
51 In urban areas , where the range of health professionals at the primary care level is still variable , a fully multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of cases is a valuable means of compensating for the limitations of particular general practices .
52 ( This , of course , ignores the theory of the second best , where the existence of price distortions in related markets may require a price which exceeds marginal cost in the market under consideration .
53 After this she managed to get a job in the National Health Service , where the majority of speech therapists are employed .
54 They showed the Foreign Office keen to encourage talks between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti rulers over their border dispute — but also adamant that Kuwait was the one area in the Gulf where the defence of oil supplies would justify the use of force .
55 These industries have falling long-run average cost curves , as for example in British Telecom , where the cost of transmission lines dwarfs the marginal cost of providing an extra phone call for a user already connected to the system .
56 ‘ We are moving into an economic environment where the number of scheme members , the increasing number of pensioners , and the high level of holdings in the equity of public companies by pension funds mean that a situation of uncertainty is undesirable .
57 It can alternatively be stored in an array where the number of array elements is the number of words in the lexicon .
58 It is also likely that chemical weathering is enhanced in the vicinity of roots where carbon dioxide concentrations are likely to be higher and where the extraction of metal cations is occurring .
59 This analytical framework is used to assess practice in the following case study of a secondary school where the distribution of capitation allowances is a microcosm of resource behaviour .
60 Where the privacy of routine cases provides an effective screen to scrutiny , however , the field officer is freed from the need to cover himself by acting according to his perception of the organization 's expectations .
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