Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun sg] [prep] going to " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after paying out , a decision was made to give individual ticket holders their money back or the choice of going to one of the Prince concerts due to be held this summer .
2 ‘ He had fallen in love and decided that the risk of going to the Himalaya was n't justifiable .
3 It is felt that fewer people would be put off attending with other genital or sexual problems if the stigma of going to a ‘ VD ’ clinic could be dispensed with .
4 Neither of them was young , and the thought of going to a place where everything including the language was different — apart from Slovene and German they spoke only Triestino — cast a deep gloom over them ; but they had no choice .
5 Yes I think that the Scot 's are more puritanical and also I , I had three babies , erm I was pregnant out there and I flew back to Scotland to have them and the difference between going to a Swiss gynaecologist and seeing a doctor here was incredible .
6 But the idea of going to bed with a woman revolted him .
7 Naturally , apart from the accusation of hypocrisy and of letting Britain solve its marriage problems , the government ends up being accused of allowing divorce for the wealthy and none for the poor , as the cost of going to and staying in Britain and paying for the legal procedures is beyond the pockets of the majority .
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