Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] have [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Only one in 500 engineers in the UK is a woman and progress is much slower than in the US where the percentage has grown from 0–2 in the 1960s , when the Civil Rights movement stirred , to 10 per cent and is growing apace .
2 If you pour water into this region you get a low tide where the water 's come from .
3 Shaw said it had no idea where the plaster had come from .
4 But where the uproar has come from is from people who have thought that they had got binding court agreements .
5 First , where the item has resulted from a recent arm 's length transaction , the item can be measured at the transaction price ( ie at ‘ historical cost ’ ) .
6 Bridget looked at her grand-daughter wondering what she meant , or even where the phrase had come from .
7 And they knew then where the blood had come from .
8 Her husband left her for a job in the Arabian Gulf one year ago , and apart from regular maintenance , neither she nor the children have heard from him since .
9 I was crouched in the hay in the stable that the horses have gone from and she did n't know I was watching her .
10 Except for birds seen during severe winter weather , which have often associated with influxes of other geese , records of this species are open to the suspicion that the birds have escaped from captivity .
11 His predecessor , Mr Michael Noar , yesterday said that the emphasis had moved from ‘ shop-floor subversion ’ to education , the Civil Service and the media — ‘ the commanding heights of philosophical power rather than industrial power ’ .
12 but I had n't yet realized that the answers had to come from me rather than from the therapist .
13 Later it was revealed that the money had come from a different source .
14 Vlok said that the money had come from a fund established to combat international sanctions .
15 After a mile or so on the highway Hugh 's pace slackened as though he were tiring , and Marian noticed that the colour had gone from his face .
16 Later that day , the news began to spread that the Headmistress had recovered from her fainting-fit and had then marched out of the school building tight-lipped and white in the face .
17 Chairman Roger Bryan said that the Museum had learnt from the sad example of others that the softly , softly approach was best .
18 As they climbed from the back of the ambulance Rachel was met by the foreman of that particular section , who informed her that the man had fallen from the top of the jig to the second section .
19 He did not look at her as he said it , but there was a sudden unmistakably sharp edge to his voice that warned Ronni that the smile had gone from his face .
20 He points out that the courts have departed from the old literal approach of statutory construction and now adopt a purposive approach , seeking to discover the Parliamentary intention lying behind the words used and construing the legislation so as to give effect to , rather than thwart , the intentions of Parliament .
21 She said that the complaints had come from people on the same estate who were ‘ really quite close ’ to the former rectory .
22 It is thought that the potters had migrated from Malaga in response to the increasing pressure of the sea blockade of southern Spain by Christian ships .
23 A trade union movement anxious to extend rather than limit its influence would seek to regain those functions that the state has stripped from it .
24 No one can point to a particular warhead that the US has made from British plutonium .
25 UNESCO is the third such agency that the US has withdrawn from in less than a decade .
26 They have laid so many bets that the odds have tumbled from 2000 to one pre season to 12 to one .
27 It , it came or it or it would be one of the depressions that the town has suffered from many times during the last fifty or sixty years .
28 Some scientists think that the infection has spread from dogs carrying canine distemper virus .
29 it 's an enormous adaptation that the baby has to make from being cocooned inside its mum to actually living outside , it has a whole host of new things to do , it 's got ta breath , it 's got ta eat it 's erm , it 's excretory system has got to work , bowels and bladder , it 's got to control its own temperature .
30 Ministry of Agriculture inspectors fear that the disease has spread from the Continent , and are carrying out detailed checks around Wood Farm , near Aylsham .
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