Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun] [unc] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For critical applications , a colour temperature meter should be used , or the manufacturer 's graphs consulted .
2 Whatever the circumstances the lawyer should resist either his own temptation or the client 's instructions to prepare a contract at this early stage .
3 9.2 The Premises shall be demised subject to the matters set out or referred to in clause … of the draft lease annexed and the Tenant or the Tenant 's solicitors having been supplied with such information as the Landlord has concerning the same the Tenant has entered into this agreement with notice of and shall raise no objection requisition or inquiry in respect of such matters
4 So a formal democracy , in which the people or the people 's representatives appeared to rule , might conceal a very undemocratic distribution of actual power .
5 Either state-owned airlines would have to be privatised , or the Community 's rules limiting state subsidies would have to be strictly enforced .
6 To do so would be to invite having a brick thrown through the window or the car 's tyres slashed .
7 A policy decision was taken not to bid in the standard commercial power electronics market , but to concentrate in the more specialised nuclear and petrochemical sector where the company 's strengths lie .
8 But where the queen 's tears flowed down the wall , a little stream runs to this day .
9 Particular importance has been attached to the question whether , where the testator 's words appeared to conflict with his intention , his intention could none the less be given effect .
10 For once , we are left in no doubt where the author 's sympathies lie , and why — ‘ Homology is a statement about pattern , and should not be conflated with a concept about processes and mechanisms ’ .
11 But there is a lingering ‘ brokered convention ’ idea where the party 's fixers produce a last-minute white knight .
12 A partnership will not be bound by the actions of a partner where the partner 's actions fall within the following situations :
13 Newspapers love a good disaster , and a wedding where the bridegroom 's trousers fell down at the altar would stand a far better chance of being reported than one that went without a hitch .
14 In Jacobs v Wessex Regional Health Authority [ 1984 ] CLY 2618 the respondents were ordered to pay the costs in any event where the plaintiff 's solicitors had written letters to them referring to the reasonableness of their request for discovery , the relevant authorities and the saving in public expense from voluntary discovery to a legally aided plaintiff .
15 Voice of Palestine radio reported on Jan. 21 that the PDR 's objectives included " the right to self-determination and the setting up of an independent state led by the PLO " .
16 For example , consider the monopolist discussed above and suppose that the firm 's executives wish to maximise profits , but have only limited information about the true revenue and cost functions .
17 It does not matter that the firm 's employees tried their best , the question is : does the program meet this objective standard ?
18 Indeed , it was n't until 1958 that the committee 's successors decided that the increase in pupils needed better amenities than the dwindling funds could provide .
19 The significant feature of this case was that the creditor 's solicitors had specifically written independently to the elderly parents , enclosing the forms of charge with a letter addressed to each , advising them to seek independent legal advice before signing .
20 Betty was horrified to note that the butchers ' shops kept cooked pies adjacent to raw meat .
21 Interviews conducted by Tamar Pitch with members of the committee revealed that the campaign 's objectives included increasing public awareness of the issue of sexual assault and gaining recognition for the principle that violence against women was a serious offence .
22 The Department of the Environment ( DoE ) challenged FoE 's interpretation , claiming that the inspectorate 's figures showed 98.7 per cent compliance with EC and UK water standards .
23 I told him that the Owsla 's privileges did n't mean all that much to me in any case and that a strong rabbit could always do just as well by leaving the warren .
24 D The seller sells as beneficial owner but the seller transfer to the buyer shall contain the following proviso : " Provided Always and it is hereby agreed that the covenants which are implied by the seller transferring as beneficial owner shall not be deemed to imply or warrant that the lessee 's covenants contained in the lease for decoration or repairs have been observed . "
25 It must be understood that the brewers ' actions have not been forced upon them by the legislation .
26 Similarly , establishing liability will be feasible where it is clear that the company 's interests have not been addressed by management .
27 Police said that the company 's records showed that the Moslem Brotherhood had been involved in a plot to overthrow the Egyptian government and create an Islamic state , with the support of foreign countries including Afghanistan , Iran , Iraq , Pakistan and Turkey .
28 CGI , which has 13.3% of Computer Horizons , and is regarded by the board as a hostile shareholder , argues that the company 's plans make it extremely difficult and expensive for another company to acquire Computer Horizons , and must be eliminated to make management accountable and maximise shareholder value .
29 For example , one vital task undertaken by the clerks was a quinquennial valuation which ensured that the company 's assets matched its actuarial liabilities .
30 He dismissed claims published in pamphlets that the King 's powers had been usurped , and said that " some members of the Council harboured secret ambitions for unbridled personal authority and power " and had wanted to elevate the King to the position of absolute monarch .
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