Example sentences of "[conj] the [adj] do not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Yet where the two do not like one another or the chemistry is wrong , the relationship will remain distant for the entire three years .
2 Lyotard holds that we can best understand the nature of the unconscious through examining precisely how it is not structured like a language , that the most important criterion of demarcation of the unconscious from the ego lies in the ways that the former does not operate as does language .
3 In 1839 , the year of the Chartist petition to Parliament ( itself precipitated by the Act ) , Disraeli 's delinquent Lord Marney is pulling down as many of his cottages as possible so that the poor do not become a charge upon his parish .
4 It is fashionable among some general business academics to attack DCF by stating that the Japanese do not get caught up in ‘ DCF number games ’ but place more emphasis on corporate discussion and the generation of a consensus about whether the development being considered should go ahead or not .
5 That the rich did not escape the scourge is evident at Crich in Derbyshire when , in October 1349 , William de Wakebridge added a small chantry chapel to the parish church in memory of his wife , his father , his two sisters and three brothers , all of whom had died of the plague in the summer of that year .
6 And I can not believe that the two did not exchange at length here , passing the very threshold of such a dominant historic occasion , an event which still burnt into the consciousness of all Scots at the time .
7 However , the court held that the accused does not have this exception when he knows that what he proposes to do is a crime .
8 ‘ This can mean that the latter does not move in response to levels of inflation in the way that the private investor thinks it should .
9 One could say that the pressing question is how it is possible to live , rather than what teleology to adopt ; or at least that the latter does not sort the former out .
10 Indeed , many of the postures struck in the 19th century have been carried through to recent times ; the belief , for example , that the educated do not enter business is still widespread , if not endemic in the national consciousness .
11 Secondly , it appears that the military do not use Range West much .
12 I would contend that it is a major strength of the British legislation that the MMC did not have to decide whether the firms had ‘ really colluded ’ .
13 Thousands of ostraka have been dug up , the most famous being a batch of 191 with Themistocles 's name inscribed on them by only four separate hands — either fraud or an anti-Themistocles hit squad ensuring that the illiterate did not miss the chance to vote .
14 When one considers the huge cost overruns the West has on each new fighter , tank and warship , it is hard to believe that the same does not happen in Russia .
15 Gerald of Wales , writing in the later twelfth century , says that the Welsh do not build ‘ lofty stone buildings ’ but content themselves with small huts made of the boughs of trees twisted together . ’
16 But his main point was that the English did not settle in Gascony : ‘ no colonial dependency of England ’ , he concluded , ‘ has ever offered a similar parallel , nor , it may safely be said , ever will .
17 Such measures include producing Mass tapes to ensure that the housebound do not miss out on hearing Mass in their local parishes , and to form a young people 's liturgy group , so that we can continue to celebrate the Eucharist in style .
18 Although the elderly do not have to pay income tax on the value of a house which they own and occupy , if they let any Part of it , furnished or unfurnished , the income they receive from the letting must be included in their tax return .
19 That is to say , although the Chinese did not recognize the new People 's Republic , the Vietminh assumption of power was not challenged .
20 Although the fiscal does not collect information or investigate the crime he is entitled to intervene and direct himself police investigations .
21 Just as the poor could not expect to get something for nothing , so the rich did not expect to get nothing for something .
22 Even if the accused does not fall within s.2(1) , he may still be not dishonest for the purposes of the Act .
23 What is now holding sway in the super-ego is , as it were , a pure culture of the death instincts , and in fact it often enough succeeds in driving the ego into death , if the latter does not fend off its tyrant in time by the change round into mania .
24 Certainly , if the latter did not want to be represented or could easily apply for judicial review in person , there might be no good reason to accord standing to a self-appointed representative .
25 The gigantic figure had passed by Frankenstein as if the latter did not exist .
26 Under current legislation the school will have increased control of its resources , even if the latter do not increase .
27 ‘ Very soon this city will burn with the fires of revolt if the rich do not get off their fat arses and do more to help ! ’
28 The Greens want regional self-reliance , in agriculture as well as in other things ; a land tax applied so that ‘ in general terms , the nearer the land is to its natural state , the lower the land tax would be ’ ; energy efficiency ; population reduction through encouragement and education ( with 15–20 million the target for Britain ) ; and a sharing of ‘ the abundance which nature can provide for us all if the greedy do not take more than their fair share ’ .
29 The question remains , if the Irish do not want toxic waste , will Britain have to accept even more of it ?
30 If the elderly do not have money , then the answer is to put them in government homes .
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