Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm how often do you play , oh once a week or a couple of times a week , what sort of standard is it and what it 's doing is you 've got an opportunity to sound off about yourself and that 's who we are talking about is n't it ?
2 ‘ You can buy a copy of an album or a video in Moscow the day after it is released in the West , ’ says Grigoriev .
3 Those obviously include all the further education colleges that do the basic um and the basic things and then the H N C H N D it gives you the open learning things which includes then the private sector people communicate and all sorts of other agencies , erm it depends really what you see as a beginner , do you mean a beginner in the communications field in its entirety , or do you mean a beginner as an in-house industrial editor or a freelancer by definition a beginner is not likely to be a freelancer ?
4 The general form of the argument is always that ‘ real ’ elites find the political formulas and consecrated myths of decentralization or a fragmentation of powers a convenient cover for their monopoly control of the key decisions of state .
5 Bearing in mind that soil itself is a chemical or a mixture of chemicals the basics of cleaning in this context are identical to those of basic reaction chemistry typified by the following equation :
6 The idea was , quite simply , that a person or property should be protected ; so that if one commended a slave or a piece of property no transfer of ownership was intended .
7 This means , for example , that a feature on Mercury the size of Sri Lanka would be a featureless blur .
8 We shall assume that a ring of radius a situated in the z = 0 plane carries a current I ( Fig. 3.6 ) and we wish to determine the magnetic field at the point
9 The N.C.M.A. thinks that a minimum of £17 a week per child for full-time care is reasonable , but you could charge more depending on the parents ' earnings and the number of meals provided etc .
10 I 've worked out that a rent of tenpence a week on each log cabin , or sixpence for each bunk in a dormitory , will just pay me back by the end of this contract .
11 But by the mid-1980s , after more than a decade of discussion the G-77 had been unable to get the industrialised countries to agree to substitute the mandatory ‘ shall ’ for the advisory ‘ should ’ in the draft Code ( Zacher and Finlayson , 1988 : ch. 2 ) .
12 ‘ We rarely had more than a couple of deliveries a day — we did n't have the space .
13 But there are too few projects like Cleevedon , and too little money to help more than a handful of youngsters every year .
14 Each American household generates , on average , more than a ton of rubbish a year .
15 In view of the grave nature of the crime he appeared in Inveraray before Mr John Campbell and a jury for sentence the next day .
16 main meal , a biscuit , and a drink of Coke a , a sweet , and a tea , one bis a chocolate choc-ice and a what 's that ?
17 Iago ambled down out of the forest in mid-afternoon , on a Welsh mountain pony with a barrel like a butt of wine , a cross-grained temper , and a turn of speed no one would have credited from her build .
18 Consumption of drinks and drugs go up : alcohol consumption can increase — maybe to a second scotch before dinner , maybe to two Special Brews to get through the afternoon and a bottle of wine every evening ; smoking can increase , as can the consumption of tea and coffee — even though these are physical stimulants ( and can therefore mimic anxiety ) rather than relaxants .
19 For a moment they stared at each other , while the klaxon remorselessly threw out a yard and a half of raucousness every two seconds .
20 We have one of th we have a la we have a large jar of coffee of that a week , and we have er a jar and a half of jam a week .
21 Now I can only remember one thing about it : a passage which refers to the death by starvation of a girl in Paris because she only had a pint of milk and a loaf of bread a day .
22 At that time I should have considered a pint of milk and a loaf of bread a day paradise .
23 Secure in the backing of an army corps and a party in Madrid the king refused to recognize the authority of the Regency ; on 4 May he published his first decree declaring the work of the Cortes null and void and adopting a modification of the Persian programme .
24 I could hardly remember having muffins before , although I 'd seen the muffin man in his white apron , a towel over his arm and a tray of muffins every Sunday afternoon .
25 ‘ You 're really down , are n't you ? – said Felix 's wife , who had come in with a jar of instant coffee and a jug of water no more than fairly hot , which increased Stephen 's worry that many things were falling behind .
26 Apart from a few independents and a handful of dissidents the only candidates among whom the elector can choose will be those that the parties have seen fit to put before him .
27 Cameron now expected a glancing reference to Exodus 32 and a figuring of Aaron the idolator as the rebel and troublemaker who seduced the honest Israelites with the golden calf of dangerous principles .
28 banned golf salesmen from club professional events unless a minimum of £5,000 a year was spent by their firms on sponsorship .
29 After a couple of years the clump , will be looking a little shaggy so in March cut hard back to the developing basal shoots and feed as new growth develops .
30 After a period of chaos a sequence of Agaw monarchs , known as the Zagwe dynasty , established themselves .
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