Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances , the larger company may dispose of its shares in the market or , possibly , arrange for them to be cancelled either by a reduction of capital or a purchase of own shares .
2 That this tolerant attitude should have resulted in his being called an Anekāntavādin , or a believer in many doctrines , is not surprising , but it did not disturb him in the least .
3 It simultaneously arranges for its merchant bank to offer to buy from accepting shareholders who wish to take cash all or a proportion of those shares immediately .
4 A cash underwritten alternative occurs where the bidder offers its own shares to the shareholders of the target but at the same time arranges for its merchant bank to offer to buy from accepting shareholders , who wish to take cash , all or a proportion of those shares immediately .
5 A Soviet legal specialist wrote in 1958 , for example , that the neutralisation of a certain territory was formed by an agreement between two or more states not to transform the territory concerned , which was generally of strategic significance , into a theatre of military operations or a base for such operations .
6 If all or a variety of these motives are present , some redistribution of income or in-kind government provision is expected within limits , although its pattern is likely to be complex .
7 Although it is unlikely , if we are forced to cancel your holiday arrangements we will inform you as soon as possible and you will be offered the choice of an alternative holiday of at least comparable standard , if available , or a refund of all monies paid .
8 In the early years of the century , laboratories were for one or two people , with assistants and perhaps a friend or two to watch , to perform research ; or else to carry out routine analyses for a fee ; or a mixture of these things .
9 You can be a winner or a loser in all aspects of life , including work .
10 Rocks and water , or a suggestion of these elements , are central to any Japanese Garden 's success .
11 For a corporation like Unilever , which has a number of companies in its overall control , the boundary may be defined to include one or a number of these companies .
12 Radar can also yield images , but whereas a radio telescope or a group of such telescopes can yield an image of an object in an analogous way to a conventional telescope , a radar pulse from the Earth can not be made narrow enough to select anything other than the whole disc of the planet , except for the Moon where small areas can be examined because of its large angular diameter .
13 Any complex referential symbol , or a string of such symbols , theoretically speaking , can apply to any number of individuals , but a proper name picks out one object , and one object only , spanning , as it were , the latter 's entire career .
14 At each stage the client is encouraged to recite either one or a series of these statements .
15 In cases of individuals lacking practical experience in an area of study C1 or C2 ( or a section of those areas of study ) centres may be able to advise and/or assist individual in gaining appropriate practical work experience sufficiently to improve their profile and potential to succeed in the area of study .
16 These job descriptions are also contained in Appendix A. Although a familiarity with these tasks on paper is important to achieve an understanding of bureau work , their expansiveness should not be allowed to deter the potential applicant .
17 Although a native of such areas as the Middle East and the Caucasus , it is largely used only in French cooking .
18 ‘ I oppose the amendments and I will vote against them irrespective of whether they come from the Government or from the honourable members whose names appear on the amendment paper , although a glance at these names makes my blood run cold ...
19 A year ago , I could not have contemplated saying that a machine of these specifications was within the grasp of the individual .
20 The LFS shows that a quarter of all persons who had been unemployed 12 months before the survey , but who were in work on the survey date , had temporary jobs , compared with just over three per cent who had been in work on both dates .
21 According to , corporate finance partner , it was not surprising that a quarter of all respondents said the recession had affected their consideration of an MBO .
22 The latest government survey , published in November 1988 , shows that a quarter of all homes require at least £2,200 spending on them , and that many have potentially serious structural faults which could cost thousands of pounds to put right .
23 After three hours of talks in Jerusalem with Prime Minister Yitsak Shamir and Foreign Minister David Levy , he came away with little more that a promise of more talks about the plight of the Palestinians .
24 It is gross waste that a man with such qualities should be turned into a traitor , when I think he never willed to be any such monster , but wanted only his native right .
25 If complaints still continue after the disposal licence conditions have been complied with , and if the disposal authority is of the opinion that a modification of those conditions is desirable to achieve further improvement in abating any odorous emissions still being caused , a notice may be served on the licence holder , under s.7(1) ( a ) ( i ) to that effect .
26 However , it has been calculated ( Justices ' Clerks ' Society , 1992 ) that 57 per cent of such cases received sentences that were within the sentencing powers of the magistrates ' courts , and this suggests that a majority of these offences could have been tried summarily .
27 Under the law prior to that date , the onus was on the prosecution to prove that a person in such circumstances knew , first , of the presence of the pistol and , second , that it was unlicensed .
28 The fact that this extra testing can produce extra diagnoses implies that a proportion of those cases diagnosed as NGU would turn out to be trichomonal if only the organism were adequately looked for .
29 The prognosis must be guarded and the owner informed that a proportion of these animals may not recover while others may remain permanently stunted .
30 Then I shall examine some criticisms of the monist position from a pluralist point of view , trying at the same time to bring out the presuppositions that underly such criticisms and showing that a clarification of these presuppositions demands a critical exploration of certain new philosophical topics that have not been touched on hitherto .
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