Example sentences of "[conj] er [pron] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 May I suggest that er we get some money together specially to pay this .
2 So I think it 's time that er we dragged this county council into this century and not into the century , or the centuries of Mr 's forefathers .
3 It was gon na take quite a while so erm we got the base five as quickly as possible so that we had as many hands on the job at once and er we had some formwork getting spare so we decided to make them useful and it 's a case of we 'd got six tanks to do and if we had a breakage we ca n't afford to stop the programme so as a er , a standby , just in case , we may never use these we might three or four uses out of but if we do have a breakage we want to be able to replace that straight away so have a spare set and you 've got nothing more to do and er get the walls , get the er , the back build operation right at the very end , ongoing , till you 've got the waterproofers in er get the waterproofing up to the five meter level and er get the back build in as quickly as possible .
4 Er we 're going to er get it drafted up and er we have some money in the , we have some money in our budget , for a gift , and it seems to me appropriate erm that the gift that we might make to Cheskevod is the s trading charter which we can get for the money that we 've budgeted er written by a calligrapher who I 've already contacted , who said that they can do it erm well , for that sort of price , in both English and Czech .
5 And er I heard this clanging .
6 Erm but th anyway , there it was and er I had this pain Not not acute , that 's why I was n't that worried .
7 And they both er wave to the crowds , both sets of players and taken a round of applause as the two captains are out there , and there are plenty of cameras , including video cameras er almost obstructing my view and er I hope that gentleman is er going to take up a rather better position from my point of view because we want to see the er performances of the two teams .
8 But er we got out eventually , and they managed to get a road through to us , and but er And er I remember another time where a bank came in and they were one man trapped in the far end and there were another man trapped on this end and my brother and me we we dug round to him , we got to him , we got him bared so far and what To his waist , and it was still bitting and we got hold of his belt , right , ready ?
9 We have really answered these questions in the course of our work and er I think any rite , any consideration of a rite of passage such as was , was er asked for , is in a sense detracting from the significance of holy baptism and I doubt if there 's any future in this .
10 And er I do this bit now do n't I ?
11 common and he lived at Grimston and er he got this plot and er what was right next door to it was a sort of real big old li like a French chateau and he wanted a big ge red brick Georgian house , a real big one , sort of sitting at the back of this plot that the owner
12 I always remember working on the , on the pub I , I , I did a lot of work on there for them and er he got some panelling
13 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
14 Well that it will not be effective until er you produce that licence to this court .
15 She 's not a bad person , actually I quite like Elaine Paige but er I hate that record .
16 But er I think this sun will brown it , do n't you ?
17 He er he believed in other punishment Lines and that description But er I liked that chap er very nice chap .
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