Example sentences of "[conj] one that [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They impose a particular perspective on the period , albeit one that is often ignored , because it does not provide a narrative framework for understanding late Roman and early Merovingian history .
2 Among the eight with stage I disease , five had tumoural involvement of the stomach which would have required total gastrectomy , a procedure with a high morbidity rate and one that is not justified with a well tolerated , slowly progressing disease .
3 As we have seen , this is a crucial part of the mountain goat 's annual cycle and one that is easily disrupted by hunting .
4 It is a class alliance that creates an objective link between indigenous capital and labour and one that is also linked to the progressive features of capitalist development .
5 The most obvious thing to check , and one that is often overlooked , is the physical size of your intended purchase .
6 Hourcade also saw as a second feature of Cubist painting the organization of the whole surface in terms of interpenetrating or interacting planes : ‘ The fascination of the paintings lies not only in the presentation of the main objects represented , but in the dynamism which emerges from the composition , a strange , disturbing dynamism , but one that is perfectly controlled . ’
7 An obvious point , perhaps , but one that is sometimes overlooked for the sake of explanatory convenience .
8 It is a simple fact but one that is often overlooked in a busy day-to-day existence with so many other priorities demanding your time , but what can be more important than getting paid ?
9 Start with an obvious point , but one that is often forgotten .
10 The first , and perhaps most logical — though one that is vigorously denied by Lord Lawson — is that it was part of a move leading to full monetary union and a Single Currency in Europe .
11 Proponents of this view tend to see the idea of parental possession as one that is still protected and upheld by the law and by social agencies ; and they believe this state of affairs to be damaging to children , given that parents ' and children 's interests sometimes conflict .
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