Example sentences of "[conj] other [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I would find it very difficult to go into a situation , like a communal changing room in a big store , where other women would see my body .
2 Thunder flashes , Roman candles and other pyrotechnics would enliven its passage until , a spinning hoop of flame , it launched itself over the cliff , described a brief trajectory and plunged into the sea , never to be seen again .
3 Typically , it was an economic dispute between Muslims and Christians in Sidon — involving Muslim fishermen who feared that a new fishing consortium run by Chamoun and other Maronites would destroy their livelihood — that ignited the fire .
4 Most homeless persons and families have the common feature of poverty although a variety of personal and other reasons may underlie their homelessness .
5 ‘ Buster 's one of my heroes , ’ he said , ‘ and I 've admired the way he and other old-timers used to do their own stunts .
6 Members can buy their tickets from tomorrow … while other fans can get their 's by going to the next home game against Sunderland
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