Example sentences of "[conj] when they [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was quick to point out that when they went up to Oxford — as most of my pupils would he likely to do — the impact of Marx , the one reputation which most politically-conscious dons revered , was likely to sweep them off their feet .
2 You 've got to give them a very specific task to do and give them the support and the materials to do it with and make sure it happens so that when they turn up at 3 o ’ clock , it 's set up to go .
3 The one thing that really marks them out is good preparation , so that when they stand up in court they have n't got to think much about the content cos it 's at their finger tips , they know it , they know Mrs Brown 's age , they know how many children she 's got , they have n't got to think about it .
4 And when they come up with something which you think , oh , stupid idea .
5 She lived on the fifth floor of a pre-war block , and when they went up in the lift she casually passed him her handbag and said , Hold this , and started to take her clothes off .
6 And it came home to me that you know we all had to come to terms in some way with erm with what it was all about and the kids and you know and it became something of a I mean i it was the experience that we went through you know it was i it was you know something that we 'll always remember I think because it 'll always make Christmas different I think for us in a way you know but it And when they came up from South Wales with car loads and van loads and I mean we all just sobbed you know I mean there was nothing to do really you know it was just and I think anyway that was Christmas , but I mean er .
7 Well we had a old wooden crane aboard the dredger , that was all hand power , that 's just the old wooden derrick and when they got up to the , up to the dock , they had a , cos they had a crane paint with it or a steam crane .
8 There was something in the speed , as they rounded corners on two wheels , that shook her out of her bad mood , and when they drew up with a squeal of brakes in the narrow road just by Pepe 's Bar , she was laughing at Miguel 's uncharacteristic recklessness .
9 And when they tied up at Water Gypsy 's permanent moorings , he gathered his few possessions together and left with only the most perfunctory of farewells .
10 What would happen if and when they caught up with them ?
11 In the shadow between the houses Owen could not see what it was but when they came up to it he saw that it was a man .
12 Nelson had planned to take her to town , but when they got up to the car park he could n't get his car to start .
13 The pebble beach is dirtier than they realize but when they stand up from it clinging shell-dust and subversive oil-slicks and persistent grime will fall away from their white robes , leaving them untouched , pristine , still-saintly .
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