Example sentences of "[conj] when it [verb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was like an old car that had been around in the neighbourhood for a long time , loaned out among your friends , used and passed on , so that when it got to you in your time , you knew what you were getting .
2 Only that morning she had stood , she , Kitty Bainbridge , had actually stood in a queue for nail polish , and when it came to her turn there was no more left .
3 There 's no connection between the thought beforehand , and when it happens to you something different happens .
4 But when it came to their sex life , Antonia was boss of the futon frolics .
5 But when it came to it , national pride won out , and the UK forgot all about international agreements .
6 I meant to be open with him but when it came to it I beat about the bush .
7 Enough light would spill inwards from the porch as the door closed slowly on its damper , enough at least for him to get to his own door and line up the key ; but when it came to it he hurried too much and was trying to shake out the Yale when the front door put him in darkness .
8 I was dreading the scene we 'd have at my Promise Ceremony , but when it came to it , she was actually on her best behaviour .
9 British Legion do : they 'd hired a Dixie Band but when it came to it would want Country and Western : six in the band and a twelve pound fee .
10 We were going to once but when it came to it you did n't have the money for the licence .
11 But when it came to it , when she had to make the decision about leaving home for good , throwing herself into the wide world and trying her luck , she felt unhappy .
12 But when it come to you , master Conroy , and you hardly out of short trousers … ’
13 But when it got to my last week I just thought stuff it , I 'm going to give it my best shot .
14 But when it happens to you in that way it 's another ball game entirely .
15 But when it comes to something like this , there seems to be a lot of left luggage lying around . ’
16 ‘ You do enough mumbling to yourself at the back of the shop when the child 's around , but when it comes to something constructive … ’
17 I mean , you know we , we can all be very er , er liberal minded and enlightened about every body else , but when it comes to ourselves with a , and there are some exceptions and , and , and you 've identified yourselves here amongst this hundred , but a lot of us if were absolutely honest we would like to change things I mean one way or another and we all do various things , I mean we certainly wash our hair and people say you do n't need to wash your hair , if you leave it long enough it 'll wash itself , I do n't know what else you do maybe you shave bits of this and wax bits of that and
18 Otis Griffith , 21 , has always been a car fanatic , but when it comes to his own set of wheels , he admits he 's never had much luck .
19 But when it comes to his fellow-countrymen and old school contemporaries , he becomes worryingly erratic .
20 But when it comes to our emotional profile , to our below-surface identity , then there are no longer any doubles .
21 But because most of the LDC 's exports were primary products sold in open , competitive markets , and because when it came to their nascent manufacturing industries they were in hot competition with each other , these concessions brought little benefit .
22 although having said that I 'll know that if I do well its mine , its in my own , own work , which I think is probably better because when it comes to it you do n't get any help on the day do ya ?
23 Did y did it happen did when when it happened to you when this happened to you , when you had things stolen from you .
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