Example sentences of "[conj] when [pers pn] be [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or when you 're waiting to go into a meeting and your secretary is still finishing your presentation because the PC is so slow .
2 God knows how far they 're prepared to pursue us or when it 's going to stop .
3 Francie , day and night , locked himself in the room he shared with Finn ( it was , Melanie discovered , the room next to her own ) and played the fiddle continually , except when he was engaged to play it outside , at London Irish clubs , ceilidhs and gatherings .
4 I 've heard that when we were going shopping tonight , they said to me before I 'd even
5 It seems that when they were made to lie down in the back of the truck and their hands were tied behind them , Katrine remembers there being rags underneath her .
6 It 's not that when you 're trying to change that people stay in equilibrium point at all , they actually go down to there .
7 I should make it clear that when it is decided to intervene in a local authority 's own proposed development , the local authority is required to apply to the Secretary of State for planning permission .
8 Imagine that when I 'm trying to get the kids off . ’
9 So it was that when I was asked to contribute an account of Elizabeth Taylor 's novels to a book of reference I remembered these words and wrote that her motive power was Love : ‘ Not the love that is a four-letter word , nor yet anything so theoretical as Christian charity , but most certainly a great virtue . ’
10 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
11 You know the thing is I feel that when I was tried to get the theatre board and I have contacted various people on the board I have never been listened to .
12 Johnson 's problem was the IAAF 's problem , and the bottom line was that when he was caught cheating in Seoul , the powers-that-be imposed the statutory punishment of two years rather than banning him for life .
13 Both tasks require courage of a high order , imagination , and the ability to lead people , but the last is very much easier when plainly you are advancing , and your organization is on a winning streak , than when you are trying to hold the team together while struggling against what at times appear to be nearly impossible odds .
14 There is perhaps no better assurance of the reality of a fundamental drive than when it is seen to flourish in the most difficult and primitive circumstances .
15 Brig Cumming said a key element of the plan was to ‘ picket the people ’ in other words to set up communications lines so that all levels of the factions from top commanders down to local warlords and the actual troops manning barricades were aware of the nature of the convoys and when they were planned to pass through a specific area .
16 The drovers disposed the cattle , tended them until the sale-day , and when they were sold delivered them to the farmers who had bought them .
17 The women ended up having to negotiate everything through their husbands , and when they were expected to work for nothing on their husbands ' plots they refused and demanded full payment .
18 Thus , structuring our times of sleep necessarily affects our times of food intake and activity and when we are exposed to light and an active environment .
19 ‘ Since the semi-final everything just revolves round football , ’ says Francie , ‘ And when we were asked to write a couple of songs to mark Derry 's feat in reaching the final , we were only too happy to oblige . ’
20 I mean it , we may find yet , we do n't know we have n't applied , we , cos the reason that we have n't applied cos we did n't know until today exactly who we were going to invite and when we were going to hold it er so it would be ludicrous to apply for time off when you did n't even know the date you were holding it and who you were going to invite .
21 Either that or you will have decided to build that extension you 've both wanted for so long to put that rattan furniture in , and when it 's finished discover that the blessed stuff does n't fit at all .
22 Dinah rang for tea , and when it was brought dispensed it .
23 . And when I was beginning to grow up and I used to visit her .
24 In particular , you need to be certain about how many assignments you will be given and when you are expected to hand them in .
25 And when you 're trying to impress the opposite sex , a foot-long bundle of foliage might just not cut it .
26 Well no , but and I were just thinking well why ca n't it just be all things together that make us what we are and when you 're trying to find a single thing , the only single thing is the one , which is the unity and then there 's no differentiation but I do n't think that , that we are , we are our body as well and that then can affect the soul you know , if you , if you 've got a big nose and all your life people stare at you you 're gon na , you 're not going to be unaffected by it .
27 And when you 're starting to talk like that , everyone is discussing it according to their own experience or the last lesson they taught when this came up .
28 One never knows if and when you 're going to develop it take weeks months or years or possibly never .
29 No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic and when he is trying to awaken us to something .
30 He reached for the telephone and when he was connected spoke down it briskly in German .
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