Example sentences of "[conj] said that [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Julia put the desolation that suddenly thrust itself into her mind down to her cold and said that she thought she ought to go bed .
2 He was able to express his own upset at his mother 's absence and said that he thought she had gone away because he had been naughty .
3 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
4 On the first anniversary of the return to civilian rule President Shehu Shagari vigorously condemned party bickering in the papers and said that he hoped it would end .
5 He gave his condolences to the widow and said that he hoped whoever had perpetrated this terrible deed would soon be brought to justice .
6 Fagin described the hanging in terrifying detail , and said that he hoped he would never have to tell the police about Oliver — and see Oliver with a rope around his neck .
7 When they announced that Hodge was playing , this Leeds ‘ fan ’ behind me groaned and said that he hoped he 'd have his leg broken !
8 He shrugged and said that he loved her , which was reassuring to hear if not particularly helpful .
9 We did get through some pretty hot language , erm he did say that this would destroy the tripartite system and he quoted me and said that I said it was a system which was the end of the world .
10 I answered my own question , and said that I thought we must be middle class , and reflected very precisely in that moment on my mother 's black waisted coat with the astrakhan collar , and her high-heeled black suede shoes , her lipstick .
11 ‘ When , some time later , he and I discussed who might take over the responsibility for producing it I rejected the traditional drama types , who did the children 's serials , and said that I wanted somebody , full of vinegar , who 'd be prepared to break rules in doing the show .
12 As far as Simon knew , the late-night callouts were an occasional part of the job that she did n't much like , but said that she felt she had to do .
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