Example sentences of "[conj] so i [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A former colleague , and the wife of a senior executive is coming to have lunch with me tomorrow and so I might raise the thing with her !
2 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
3 I have explained to pupils that I do not know ‘ the answer ’ and so I can share the excitement of working out a problem with them .
4 yeah and so I could see the blokes and tell them that were crap at rugby !
5 Because if so I 'll beat the hide off him , I 've told him so , he 's not too big to be beaten and if Monsieur Martin wo n't do it I will .
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