Example sentences of "[conj] can [adv] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If , also , market failures are relatively unimportant , or can adequately be offset by other policies , then on balance , privatization is likely to be desirable .
2 Buildings — and not just historic ones — represent energy , labour and materials , which either can not be replaced or can only be replaced at enormous cost .
3 Liquidity is the degree to which the company assets are in the form of cash or can readily be converted into cash .
4 Liquidity is the degree to which the company assets are in the form of cash or can readily be converted into cash .
5 We need one more equation between our variables that can again be provided by Gauss 's law .
6 If one manages to find the simplest method at the first attempt that can mostly be attributed to good luck .
7 It produces data that can easily be expressed in statistical form .
8 Perhaps by analogy with this he began to see that animal species too are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with one another and with the environment , an equilibrium that can easily be disturbed by geological changes or by the immigration of new species into the area .
9 Mung beans are very small green beans that can easily be sprouted at home for use as a salad vegetable .
10 On the other hand , noticeable deviation from typical target-language patterns of chunking information and signalling relations is likely to result in the sort of text that can easily be identified as a translation because it sounds ‘ foreign ’ .
11 What that means , among other things , is that feminists who engage in this kind of research must refuse easy answers , answers that can easily be accommodated within the system as it is now .
12 I always accept any little presents from clients , especially if it 's cash , or anything that can easily be changed into cash .
13 a simple embedded mark-up that can easily be used by other tools .
14 The APB went on to observe that ‘ … the degree of reliance that can reasonably be placed on financial statements will decrease as the length of time that has elapsed since their approval by the directors increases ’ .
15 The highest level of verbal information that can reasonably be expected from an automatic tagger is the transitivity of the verb .
16 Another example that can loosely be referred to as scavenging is bone collecting by harvester ants ( Shipman & Walker , 1980 ) .
17 For Ullman is concerned with types of perceptual process that can plausibly be attributed to many animal species .
18 It brings points to the notice of the authorities that can well be overlooked in the dayto-day running of the force ; points that can , when corrected , benefit a great many people . ’
19 Provided the model relating population to these land-cover data is reasonably good , the resulting relationship can then be used to estimate populations for any set of imposed or natural areal units that can also be located on the image .
20 At the garden centre you can obtain bags of granite chippings that can also be used as decor for the aquarium base , although it is no use where high turnover undergravel filtration is in use as it soon blocks and becomes covered in a blanket of waste matter .
21 The PB800 is ideal for the athlete who wants a spike that can also be used on the country .
22 From Deleuze and Guattari , Lecercle picks up the idea of the potential violence of the institution of language which , as they point out , is not so much a neutral entity that can best be analysed by looking at " normal " ( i.e. declarative ) sentences as a series of other people 's slogans organised into a system of power-relations .
23 Perhaps the most important aspect of this persona is the extent to which , in terms of intratextual characterization , it overlaps with the figure of the clerc/clers , a term that can best be translated as " student " in this context .
24 The political emphasis for these and other initiatives has been crucial to a Conservative government set on a course of action that can best be described by the phrase ‘ small is beautiful ’ .
25 This explains why women place a high priority on the right words , soft music , anything that can generally be attributed to romance .
26 The power of a NFP structure that can successfully be transferred across borders is that it can begin to divorce the firm 's performance from national factors and thus reinforce the advantages of global scope .
27 The choice of a serial implement tat ion for a computer would affect the architecture to the extent that we must choose a representation for negative numbers that can economically be processed in a serial manner .
28 The two appear to be working through a shopping list of NT 's ingredients , ticking off those features and functions that can already be found in their own , or equivalent , open systems products that are already on the market , or are on the way .
29 Any sensitive reading of a story demands a feeling for how far one is permitted to push the significance of its details , and an awareness of those questions that can properly be asked of it , and those which can not .
30 If , however , the apparent consent is brought about by dishonesty , there is nothing in the words of section 1(1) , or by reason of any implication that can properly be read into those words , to make such apparent consent relevant as providing a defence .
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