Example sentences of "[conj] can [be] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In that case he said : As I understand it , the essence of this branch of law , whatever the origin of it may be , is that a person who has obtained information in confidence is not allowed to use it as a springboard for activities detrimental to the person who made the confidential communication , and springboard it remains even when all the features have been published or can be ascertained by actual inspection by any members of the public .
2 ‘ Michelet has strong emotions , and he smears what he feels on to paper without caring in the least how he does it , and without giving the slightest thought to technique or conventional forms — just shaping it into any form that can be understood by those who want to understand it . ’
3 Insufficient attention has hitherto been given to the role that can be played by scholarly publication in influencing harmonization .
4 A game that can be played by all the family is quite rare so this is sure to be popular among readers .
5 A game that can be played by all the family is quite rare so this is sure to be popular among readers .
6 A game that can be played by all the family is quite rare so this is sure to be popular among readers .
7 The EC Foreign Ministers ' meeting on May 2 [ see above ] concluded that the EC was " willing to recognize Macedonia as a sovereign and independent state within its existing borders and under a name that can be accepted by all parties concerned " .
8 Of course , there is a definite limit to the strength of cross wind that can be accepted by some machines , particularly those fitted with tail-skids rather than tail-wheels .
9 As for the Hooligans , newspaper cartoonists ' sketches of their dress permutation depicted a more sharply defined style than anything that can be discerned by modern eyes from surviving photographs of the period — although that should not surprise us , because it is also a characteristic feature of the emphasis given to the cut of clothes within ‘ high ’ fashion sketches .
10 The received waves are called radar echoes and they can carry the various categories of information that can be borne by any em wave , as outlined in section 3.1.2 , though planetary temperatures can not normally be extracted by radar .
11 If you 've never had a day 's illness in your life , it 's hard to imagine the financial disruption that can be caused by sudden hospitalisation .
12 A structure is a potential piece of language that is something like a framework having certain open places that can be filled by appropriate items but not by inappropriate ones .
13 The Prisoners ' Dilemma is an interesting metaphor for the fundamental biological problem of how cooperative behaviour may evolve and be maintained ; alternative approaches involve , for example , studies of how the patchiness that can be created by limited dispersal or population ‘ viscosity ’ might favour the evolution of altruism through the elevation of inclusive fitness within kin groups .
14 There is only a limited amount of change that can be achieved by direct transformation in the ‘ swords to ploughshares ’ manner .
15 However , we suggest that the use of physiological data that can be influenced by medical and nursing intervention should not be used for audit .
16 While useful for assessing the severity of illness of individual patients or groups of patients , physiological data that can be influenced by medical and nursing intervention , such as that obtained by the APACHE II score , can not , paradoxically , be used to compare unit performances and must not be used for audit .
17 The kind of non-randomness that can be generated by simple sieving is roughly equivalent to opening a combination lock with one one dial : it is easy to open it by sheer luck .
18 As with the previous study it is anticipated that the project will generate findings that can be used by various government departments and other public bodies to address issues of policy .
19 In Mr Dobbs 's words , a telecottage is ‘ a room in a village filled with computer communications that can be used by local people to learn and work ’ .
20 10 What is the smallest number that can be divided by 1 8 or 30 and leave the remainder 5 ?
21 In future , while candidates will be allowed to use advanced calculators , they will be forbidden from storing information in the memories of such machines or from using calculators that can be linked by aerial to computers outside the examination room .
22 We do not mean a freedom that can be enjoyed by one man or one set of men at the cost of a loss of freedom to others .
23 Another correspondent came up with this analogy : ‘ It 's comparable to requiring Detroit to produce automobiles that can be overtaken by faster police cars . ’
24 Corticosteroids have a deleterious effect on bone density that can be reduced by concurrent treatment with HRT .
25 It can also ‘ sort of ’ recognize your handwriting and convert it into text that can be read by any application — just as if you 'd typed it in .
26 Mutations in Escherichia coli recB or recC genes result in a defect in recombination and DNA repair that can be suppressed by additional mutations in sbcB and either sbcC or sbcD ( 3 , 4 ) .
27 But a fourth kind of intelligence might be added , which is diplomatic intelligence , which bears not the remotest relationship to any of the other three , nor to any kind of intelligence that can be identified by any human being .
28 I wonder if there really are time traps , where events and people from the past remain locked in a moment that can be revisited by those in the future .
29 There are three categories of 1:50 000 sheets in the programme : sheets requiring full resurvey ; sheets that can be updated by partial revision ; and sheets that will be produced as provisional editions by desk compilation alone .
30 Minitel — a computer database that can be rented by any telephone subscriber through France 's telecommunications agency , ACT — offers thousands of vacancies , and you can advertise yourself .
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