Example sentences of "[conj] if it [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear if the Government 's tactics over the last few days are typical of the muddle that has beset it in recent months or if it is deliberately designed to throw its opponents into confusion .
2 A patent , once granted , can be revoked if it is subsequently shown to fail to meet the requirements for patentability ; for example , that it was not novel on the priority date or does not have an inventive step , or if it was not granted to the person entitled to it .
3 Although if it 's still raining the ditch wo n't be too comfortable .
4 Local residents again pointed out that so far all the dust that had blown had come from one three-acre section of the lake : ‘ The worry is that if it 's not attended to and if the entire 150 acres rise up and start blowing at the same time it could be a national disaster .
5 I mean would , would , would n't you think it is a , a directive that if it 's not happening in your area you make it happen ?
6 There may be an advantage in laying down a procedure where the application is novel , and/or the parties believe that a particular approach is necessary and that if it is not stipulated an expert is likely to follow some other undesired procedure .
7 This combination of characters in Sivapithecus indicates that if it is indeed related to the orang-utan , characters like the straight shaft and convex deltoid plane that are present in the extant great apes must have arisen independently in the orang-utan and the African apes .
8 The company has not attempted to sell its products abroad , but feels that if it is ever to expand again , then overseas markets are the only feasible method .
9 For John Simon , it was ‘ so puny a play that if it were not extended in all directions by Dustin Hoffman 's life-giving performance , it would barely be discernible to the naked eye .
10 With that came a warning that if it were not paid within six months , he would serve three years extra .
11 ) In April 1190 Mozart was hoping for another court appointment under the new emperor , Leopold II , and he implored Puchberg to keep his financial disarray a secret , believing that if it were publicly known it would damage his chances of success .
12 maybe some joint reports with other colleagues in education , to look at some innovative work , erm , that if it was specifically ring fenced government grant , we can actually get our teeth into , that would provide a cost saving for governments in the future .
13 ( Incidentally , I suspect the risks of abuse would be considerably less if the ‘ pay ’ were fought for and won by a united feminist campaign on the grounds that housewives work and deserve money for that reason , than if it were graciously granted by government in a mood of pronatalist , pro-family , antifeminist zeal to cut the costs of the social services . )
14 so you felt that and that pulse point there if you press on it hard enough you can actually stop the one in the wrist and of course that is controlling the flow of blood to the rest of the arm and you leave a pressure point closed off like that for no more than ten minutes , because if you left it on for too long that it means not sufficient blood 's getting to the rest of the , the limbs and the limb must have its blood supply , so you leave the pressure on for ten minutes and then release it , say for ten seconds just so say that the hand comes back pinkish again and if it 's not slowing down , back on with the pressure again for another ten minutes and that 's how you use it , tap off , ten minutes at the most , tap on for a little while , if it 's leaked again reapply , ten minutes at the most , tap on again , okay and that 's how you 'll control it , so if you do have a sit a situation where the bleeding was bad cos you 've got a , a limb severed , you could n't perhaps put sufficient direct pressure over that limb , this done , right , to control the bleeding then you could use indirect pressure , here , breaking or here , right in the , no playing now please , no trying to find this one right now , do this one tonight , in bed and the old lady said now what are you doing to me , never you mind , go to sleep
15 Bu but basically we are , we are now going for land reform and if the , if th th the momentum from this is coming from the spontaneous actions of the peasants themselves , and if it 's not coming then we 've got ta give them the guidance to move in that direction .
16 And if it 's not referenced here it may not be referenced anywhere else .
17 If it 's negatively correlated , it means as one score increases , the tendency is for the other one to decrease , and if it 's virtually zero it means there 's no relationship between the two .
18 If it 's s something like that and they tell me the amount of furniture and if two thirds of the van will be filled with big stuff , and then they tell me there 'll be half a dozen boxes , I assume there 'll be at least four times that number of boxes , and if it 's still going to go on , we 'll do it .
19 It will therefore affect what happens during the interview , and if it is not done well enough it may prevent you reaching the interview stage at all .
20 If a house is not built soundly in the first place , and if it is not kept in good repair , it will fail when put to the test .
21 But the fact is that , unless the present lack of respect for the universities of the country can be remedied , education as a whole will not be respected ; and if it is not respected , then it will not improve .
22 Grief will find an expression at some time , and if it is not allowed at the time it occurs , then it will be much more difficult to deal with when it is triggered by an event in later life .
23 Anything less or anything other than this is not only untrue but alien and unhelpful , and if it is not dealt with it will inevitably create doubts .
24 As with any other policy the insurers will commonly require exclusions against the following : ( 1 ) The adequacy of insurance arrangements The view of the insurers is that it should be for the purchaser to determine whether existing insurance cover for the business is adequate and if it is not to increase the level of cover with effect from completion .
25 If they recognise the boat as ‘ friendly ’ and if it is n't rushing around at high speed , they will allow you to get close enough to take photographs .
26 After a while , if undisturbed , the Aplysia puts its siphon out again , and if it is then prodded a second time , it will show the same withdrawal reflex .
27 But one is almost totally dependent on the biographical sources for such humanizing detail ; and if it is sometimes given amongst the flood of factual information , often it is not , and one is left to speculate .
28 Overall , a healthy plurality of different initiatives is likely to arise if a strong voluntary sector grasps the opportunity with which it is currently presented and if it is actively supported by the statutory authorities .
29 The training of nurses to prescribe will be vital if the service is to be as widely available as we want it to be and if it is genuinely to benefit patients .
30 And if it was just exhausted , it was simply a question of postponing his own ploughing and resting it up for a day or two until it had regained its appetite and its strength .
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