Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What is consoling is that one may be perfectly sure that if one perishes in the barbed wire , they will not be too much affected by the loss .
2 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively , one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler .
3 Someone might say : it is a principle of personal morality that if someone shares in the gains of another 's action he must also share the responsibility for wrongs that other person does .
4 The king 's son feigns all manner of vice , exceeding even Macbeth — but professing for himself a list of vices so horrible that Macduff is forced to exclaim that if he succeeds to the throne , Scotland will receive a far worse tyrant .
5 Analogically the sacrament can certainly be understood as ‘ sacrifice ’ in the sense that if it partakes of the reality it represents , the ‘ once-for-all ’ sacrifice of Calvary is applied to us as we celebrate the victory as well as the mystery of the cross .
6 Well I I I would say that if it comes to the attention of Social Services , that we would treat it the same .
7 Section 245 provides that if it appears to the directors that any annual accounts of the company or any directors ' report did not comply with the provisions of the Act they may prepare revised accounts or a revised report .
8 ‘ Papa , tell Belle Maman that if she looks at the baby like that , I shall get only her hat in the picture … ’
9 But nevertheless it 's im important to remember that this is a survey erm which is conducted at the time of year when most compan or many companies raise their list prices and if one looks at the past sort of record of this survey both at the regional level and the national level , one generally does see a bit of an upturn in the pr in the prices numbers at this time of year because people are raising their list prices erm and once you allow for that erm I think these numbers are er very good in terms of prices trends , very low for the time of year .
10 Now to me that means that that , that city organisation must have been very doubtful about the whole future of the Maxwell organisation when it was getting to that stage , and if one looks through the , through the Writs , you know which now , now number about the same number of pages as the as the Good Report , you know you will get an er a feeling of what Maxwell was doing and how that was all all being happened and with leaving all of that with I M R O we just do n't think it 's going to er er we do n't think it would have saved the position .
11 And if one moves from the statistical to the policy level , who are the most likely people to offend on bail ?
12 And if anything happens to the person you depend on , your whole being is just this lack .
13 You know , look , I did a deal with Mrs Thatcher in nineteen eighty six , that I would n't open up many of these issues , and if she sticks to the deal , I 'll stick to the deal .
14 Yes , yes well we ca n't talk you see , we do n't know , we do n't know what 's happening , but she 's been suffering a lot with her back just now and she put that off you know that because she 's not attending the meetings , she ca n't sit , and if she comes to the meetings she ca n't sit down , she stands up , props herself against the wall and stand up right at the back so , we do n't know you see
15 So Steve and myself are er have done a done a bid that we should know today whether or not it 's going to the main group , and if it goes to the main group , there 's a great chance it 'll be accepted .
16 If the Life is later than that and if it belongs to the 730s or even 740s , however , it would again demonstrate that the relationship between a dependant or sub-king and his overlord was not inevitably confrontational but on occasion at least perfectly acceptable to both sides for as long , presumably , as it remained of mutual benefit .
17 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
18 A germ , there 's a germ that floats about in the air and if it gets onto the skin when it 's broken .
19 And if it comes through the year and we work to order .
20 they 'd better share the police and if it comes to the crunch I can get a farm yard for the birthday
21 ‘ It 's a bit of fun , and if it appeals to the young people , that 's a good thing .
22 Wind is in such a big way and if he goes to the planning appeal and one thing or something , it 'll skin this bloody , it 'll , it 'll skin this bloody town
23 But if one starts from the spontaneous inclination itself , the question arises whether it makes sense to call it egoistic before it has been chosen in terms of the agent 's own standards for the beneficial .
24 Accidents can and do happen , but if something happens to the horse , however minor , tell the owner — do n't let her find out that it has overreached or whatever , when she next looks at her horse .
25 But if he springs for the Savoy , he 's going to want to try out the stuff he saw in Swedish Au Pairs Get Raunchy . ’
26 But if he gets into the Southampton match he 'll just have to cope . ’
27 But if he comes to the top of the ridge , he is sure to come down here , because he w ill see the green leaves .
28 But if it falls below the 2.95 level against the Deutschemark , sterling will plummet .
29 If this happens within the mucosa , inflammation should correlate significantly with tissue damage as assessed by bleeding , but if it occurs within the intestinal lumen , the inflammation would be disproportionately greater than the bleeding such as is seen in classical exudation .
30 But if it remains on the teeth , it begins to damage the gums and causes gingivitis .
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