Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Important : Please do not claim help on low-income grounds if you have automatic entitlement or if you already have a current AG2 or AG3 certificate .
2 Albert Ball or William Booth or if he really wants a statue of a lady why not Maid Marian in a lace shawl ?
3 That means that if they only take the score card then you 're in there fairly quickly do the advertising sales and come out and on to another site .
4 Erm , it 's quite clear from the district auditor 's letter that he thinks that we 're not being systematic enough , about what we do about environmental improvements , and it seems fairly clear to me to , that if we just push the to the service committees , erm , nothing will ever happen , except possibly on planning , and that erm , it will just sort of quietly disappear because it 's not the top priority of any of the other service committees .
5 I am glad that the hon. Gentleman welcomes the project , but he must face the harsh reality that if we ever had a Labour Government there would be no money available to pursue this project , let alone order any more type 43 frigates .
6 if you like so it pinches the two positive charges off the hydrogen cos in these equations the charges must must balance as well so that if you just cross the double positive out you need to you ca n't write it in but you need to remember that it wants to become a double positive given
7 The Mani Pulite — clean hands — investigation in Italy that has now snared Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA ( see page seven ) has won universal admiration for its thoroughness and determination not to pull punches ; our only concern is that if you simply put the two words Mani and Pulite together , the thing does n't sound nearly so squeaky clean …
8 Or if suddenly you have to halt then the whole lot does n't come forward and squash into the next piece in front into the ne That 's why it 's edge on longways down so that the the wardrobe is that way edgeways on you see so that if you suddenly stop the weight of something there wo n't squash the the wardrobe .
9 ‘ The problems of distribution and the various changes that we had to make to establish ourselves in Scotland made me think that if I just swung the compass I 'd land up in Paris . ’
10 I 've been thinking that if I ever meet the kind of young lady who 'd make you a nice wife , I 'll get her to come round and introduce 'erself . ’
11 If the Secretary of State is able to give an honest answer at the Dispatch Box , will he tell us that if he genuinely surveys the objections and sees that the vast majority of the people of Ayrshire object to opting out , he will give democratic and fair-minded consideration to the consultative process and , at best , abandon the idea of opting out or at least postpone it for the foreseeable future ?
12 Until a few weeks ago she had been scarcely aware of him except as a friendly and familiar face in class ; but now , now she was very much aware of him — and he was very definitely aware of her ; much to Erika 's embarrassment sitting with her and Rosa at lunch , at the next desk in class , asking her out to the cinema and even , to Erika 's amazement and , she suspected , his own , offering to help Paul with his homework — in the Nordern home , that is — an offer declined both by Erika and Paul , although Paul did corner Fritz in school and suggest to him that if he actually did the homework then he , Paul , would further his , Fritz 's , courtship of Erika ; Paul being shrewd enough to guess the motive behind Fritz 's philanthropic gesture even though the square on the hypotenuse might remain a mystery to him .
13 Three because the Chief Fire Officer can not guarantee any longer er that if he only despatched the one which is necessary , it would actually get through the traffic .
14 It also occurred to him that if he ever found a German plane as helpless as this , Woolley would require him to destroy it .
15 ( He did not remark , but I did later , that if anyone truly deserved the title of ‘ egg-head ’ , it was Belgion , with his huge bald , smooth , oval-shaped head . )
16 For the first time , Susan intuited that if she really made a point of it , she could get out of her Public Service .
17 After a few moments , she realized that if she half closed the filters across the starsuit helmet she could cut out at least some of the light .
18 I know it sounds stupid , but it , like , made me feel better than if I just smoked a joint with it .
19 Even so it may be that regarding each individual , he is less likely successfully to follow right reasons which apply to him anyway if left to himself than if he always obeys the directives of a just government including those which are morally reprehensible .
20 And if they ever want a reference , I 'll stand for that .
21 We 're gon na have to take a list of what we 've got , and if we ever see an advertisement and we 're gon na buy them , say oh no , I 've got that one and that one , and that one , and that one .
22 Erm , and if we actually get the rest of the business , we keep the motor pre premium down , at ten per cent increase , if we do n't we 're jacking it up by forty per cent .
23 Well if we 're producing more of our own goods , we are importing less of somebody elses alright and if we actually become a net exporter then we 've erm closing down the markets of third country exporters right so not only do we er consume less of er New Zealand lamb than we might do otherwise , right .
24 But she ca n't call herself one and if she ever took a Communion service , she 'd be breaking the law .
25 If the quality of the counselling relationship is good it should prove more than enough to handle the outcome , and if it then assists the individual towards a resolution of emotional troubles , the short-term distress has been worthwhile .
26 With defensive fields I would fire the ball in , and if I finally achieved a breakthrough I would be taken out of the attack .
27 Also , I find the drying time of acrylics just perfect , and if I ever get a bit impatient I use an ever-handy hairdryer to speed things along .
28 In January , Donleavy called from Washington to say he had met with Hurley and his people to discuss Coleman 's assignment to NARCOG Nicosia , and if he still wanted the job , he should collect the family 's travel expenses and airline tickets from the DEA 's Birmingham field office .
29 And if you please destroy the other one .
30 And if you also look the most the the the clearest change that 's happened on the outside of this building , if you look at that window , if you if you follow the edge of the window the original window came all the way down to this point , and then across and up , and this has been all blocked up .
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