Example sentences of "[conj] has never be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ginger 's greatest single claim to fame is that he set up a record for an inside-forward that has never been beaten at our club , when he scored five goals in the game against Southend at The Palace on 25 September 1909 .
2 Late in the dynasty , some species developed an even more sophisticated kind of eye and one that has never been paralleled by any other animal .
3 His swordsmanship is unequalled except perhaps by the Reiksmarshall Kurt Helborg — a match that has never been put to the test despite years of enmity between the two .
4 In what must rank as one of the most petty letters ever to emerge from the SFA , an organisation that has never been known for its broad-mindedness , the secretary demanded that the ball be returned .
5 This reflects both a desire to uphold tradition and the fact that natural dyes produce a subtle beauty of tone that has never been equalled by even the finest synthetic dyes .
6 The subject of the computerisation of our family doctors ' practices has almost never been raised , and has never been raised as an individual subject for debate .
7 He 's Woodleigh 's cousin , and his heir , of course , unless that 's the older Horbury brother who ran off to Australia years ago and has never been heard of since .
8 Mr Brown said it was ‘ included only under the broadest heading — Treasury running costs — was never drawn to the attention of the Audit Office as a special feature and has never been investigated by the Audit Office , something which should now happen ’ .
9 We must take into account that evidence , as well as the other evidence , which seems to point the other way but has not been statistically upheld and has never been put before us in any form that we could check or examine .
10 The new plant loaded the first ship ‘ Sir William Walker ’ on 16th August 1977 but has never been operated at full capacity .
11 It was the home of the Red Arrows but has never been used for such a major excercise as the one this week .
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