Example sentences of "[conj] would be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the Law Commission recommended in 1976 , the test should be whether the granting of relief to an applicant who has delayed would cause substantial prejudice or hardship to any person or would be detrimental to good administration .
2 For example , roboticists relying on sequential processing were unable to write programs capable of computing the subtly balanced flexions of shoulder , elbow , and wrist that would be necessary for smooth movement of the robot-arm .
3 That it would be out of place to use scientific discoveries in the course of the investigation ought to be clear : if science is optional , it would be improper to use results deriving from that science in justifying it ; and , if scientific results are held , tentatively , at arm 's length anyway , they are not certain beliefs that would be appropriate for philosophical argument .
4 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
5 After all , a plant that was doing badly in the Amazon may well do well elsewhere , or at least contain genes that would be useful in other environments .
6 We are equipped to make mental calculations of risk and odds , within the range of improbabilities that would be useful in human life .
7 This mixture allowed ultraviolet rays from the sun to bathe the earth 's surface with an intensity that would be lethal to modern animal life .
8 In many far off lands the Commission 's gardeners have no knowledge of the English language , while their supervisors are not fluent in the native tongue ; the result has been , so the Commission reports , that a form of hybrid speech has developed in certain countries that would be incomprehensible to other natives of the country and to ordinary English-speakers , but which is ‘ very eloquent ’ on matters relating to cemetery maintenance !
9 The chute is a perfect dish hovering a metre or so above the snow and hauling me downwind at a speed that would be unthinkable on Nordic skis .
10 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
11 Firstly , a small saver is able to minimise risk by investing quite cheaply in a much wider range of assets than would be possible by direct investment .
12 Then the head is distorted in a sweeping spiral movement so that the spectator is obliged to move completely around it and thus gathers a very complete idea about it ; and , owing to the element of distortion , from several positions one sees more of the head than would be possible in ordinary vision .
13 The case remained open after placement , and would be subject to six-weekly review within the home .
14 Therefore I would not necessarily be looking for a secretarial position , and would be open to other suggestions .
15 The force , to be known as the European Corps , was intended to operate under the umbrella of the Western European Union ( WEU ) and would be open to other WEU members .
16 The House of Commons would no longer reflect the ancient idea and be representative of " whole " boroughs , county communities , or corporate interests but would be representative of unorganised masses of individual men since at this time no women had the vote .
17 degree of supervision would vary with qualification and ability of surveyor and would be such degree of supervision as would be commensurate with good surveying practice .
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