Example sentences of "[conj] would [vb infin] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only from a record that would have been available at the police station or from officers knowledge .
2 I enjoyed my tea and glimpse into a way of life that would have been familiar to JTR .
3 The amounts as well as qualifying ages have been altered several times since 1986/87 , so any rebate would only apply to allowances that would have been due to you at the time .
4 The maximum ACT offset is limited to the amount of tax that would have been payable on the profits assuming they had been charged at the basic rate of tax ( s 239(2) ) .
5 This contrast may be more apparent than real , however , for new technologies of birth and reproduction may alter the biologically given so as to make possible a changed perspective that would have been inconceivable in the past .
6 The results for high risk junctions illustrate roughly the pattern of findings that would have been consistent with Study 1 .
7 So , we have a speculative picture of mineral crystals on the primeval Earth showing some of the properties of replication , multiplication , heredity and mutation that would have been necessary in order for a form of cumulative selection to get started .
8 A huge , icing-covered cake with a welcome-home message from airport staff greeted the plucky youngster on her arrival and she quickly tucked into the tasty treat — something that would have been impossible for her just a few months ago .
9 But perhaps Nicholson 's most spectacular achievement was the important part he played in surpassing the performance of the rival Perkin & Sons — a feat that would have been impossible without the cooperation of his friend , and mentor , Hofmann .
10 Now came the part of the operation that would have been impossible without the trained elephants .
11 His photographs from this time succeeded in capturing the real China in a way that would have been impossible to a foreigner .
12 There is sometimes a hidden symbolism that would have been apparent to people at that time .
13 Indeed , it was an achievement that they managed it just long enough to clinch the Heineken title and then , once it did not matter any longer began to lose games at a rate that would have been unthinkable during the previous years of unbroken triumph .
14 By day their sunken , listless eyes reflected the depth of an inner misery that would have been unthinkable to the exuberant youths of 1925 .
15 BRIAN Clough 's Nottingham Forest and Steve Coppell 's Crystal Palace meet in a bottom-of-the-table clash at Selhurst Park today that would have been unthinkable at the start of the season .
16 And the fact of George Carey 's criticism of massive pay rises to top bosses , and his sermon on the social responsibilities of wealth creation , is of concern to those bosses and wealth ‘ creators ’ because remarks that would have been unexceptional from other quarters came from the head of the established church — a case of the upstart vicar from Barking not yet fully appreciating the nature of his role within the establishment to which he has only recently secured entry .
17 Okay I that would have been okay in that particular case but you did come back to it as benefit , you say we have n't seen you for such a long time that was a not just look at your policies but to put a , a face to the name so I can become your point of reference
18 We remain uninformed both about the now-extinct intermediates and the evolutionary processes that would have been responsible for the diversification of early multicellular animals into what we now perceive as distinct phyla , each with its own body plan .
19 So although the absence of key workers in Newham meant that there were few boundary disputes , it also meant that the development officer could become very closely involved in organising other services , and perhaps feel that other services took advantage of the Home Support Project and showed less involvement than would have been necessary without the project .
20 For a given outlay of local currency it has ensured a higher value of imports than would have been available under a market valuation of the currency .
21 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
22 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
23 Bowler felt that Minton was happiest when painting and would have been content with a quiet life had he not been driven by a need for others and by the fact that he could not bear to be on his own .
24 He had normal hearing all his life and would have been unaware of deaf people if he had not been " adopted " as a young orphan by the Rev J Jennings , a deaf mute minister and founder of the South London Gospel Mission to the Deaf and Dumb .
25 The traditional peoples in the world today , such as the Australian aborigines , are profoundly and naturally psychic and it is at least reasonable therefore to speculate that the ancient peoples were similarly sensitive , and would have been aware of earth energies as a natural part of their environment .
26 Many of these candidates had completed their studies much earlier in the session and would have been eligible for certification at earlier dates if centres had requested this .
27 However , the position would have been different if the nodes had been defective and caused damage or injury to the buyer : the seller would then have been open to a claim in tort , or perhaps under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , but would have been unprotected by any exclusion , limitation or indemnity clauses .
28 It is too small to have been used for storage or drying , but would have been suitable for the mistress of the house to sit at her small wheel to spin .
29 The complete plan , however , should have a surrounding portico or ambulatory , as would have been normal in temples of this type .
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