Example sentences of "[conj] there is [adv] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kinnock 's job at conference must be to demonstrate Labour 's electability by confirming the party 's new revisionism , by reassuring voters on issues where there is still doubt and , above all , by helping set the agenda for the 1990s .
2 Although there is still disagreement as to the relative significance of the various possible mechanisms of plate motion , recent assessments have indicated that the pull of descending lithospheric slabs is the predominant driving force .
3 Thus it seemed to me clear that the Galatians passage ( that there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , there is no more male and female ) 20 was of the essence of Christianity .
4 Possibly because of computer aided research , so many results are being produced , that there is neither time nor money to follow them up .
5 And therefore I think that there is both progress and regression .
6 Lord Ross added : ‘ This appears to me to emphasise that there is both importance and difficulty in this action which would make it appropriate for the action to be heard in the Court of Session as the supreme court rather than in the sheriff court .
7 And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing .
8 Those , and there are many , who believe that there is certainly value and truth in Christian belief , but are unhappy about what they feel to be an arrogant and intolerant insistence on the uniqueness of Jesus Christ , still commonly seek to follow the trail blazed by Rousseau .
9 Does the Secretary of State accept that there is now evidence that standards in the basics , which the report identified as the key skills on which other learning depends , have fallen ?
10 I notice that neither John Scales or Alan Kernaghan have moved clubs yet so there is still hope that we 'll purchase one of them .
11 In other words , the hegemony of the social representation of science can not possibly be total , and there is even evidence that it may be on the wane .
12 Third , and less depressing than the first two , Corinth is not completely excavated ( most of what the modern visitor sees is Roman ) and there is still hope that the classical agora may produce evidence of the kind we want ; though to get it , the excavators ( the American School in Athens ) will need permission to dig under the main square of the modern town .
13 But there is also evidence that the level of nuclear calcium increases dramatically following mitogenic stimulation , suggesting that calcium may also act within the nucleus .
14 The first evidence of its domestication dates to about 9,000 years ago , but there is also evidence that about 1,000 years earlier , in South-east Asia , the smaller Sulawesi warty pig S. celebensis was also domesticated .
15 But there is also envy and fear of where you have been and what you have done . ’
16 All the clarity and detail which Griffith managed to find is there , but there is also body and warmth which one remembers from the original 78s .
17 Now , it is hoped that all who need a supplement to their basic pension obtain it , but there is still evidence that many do not .
18 The figure has now been recognised as a late fifteenth-century masterpiece and it has aroused some excitement in the art world , but there is still perplexity as to its author .
19 Until recently acetylcysteine was not recommended for use more than 15 hours after overdose , but there is now evidence that it can safely be given to patients up to 24 hours after ingestion and perhaps even later than this .
20 The major source of the neutralising capacity of saliva is its bicarbonate content , but there is now evidence that gland bearing oesophageal mucosa can also secrete alkali , a phenomenon first documented in the opossum esophagus in vivo .
21 I think she 's going off it a bit so I said oh well I 'll come and have a chat and I said listen , I said , I realize you you 've got a lot of school work and that and you 've got your boyfriend , I said , but there is now way that you 're gon na let him stand in the field , getting fat and getting old you 've got
22 But there is only injustice when preventable suffering is allowed to persist to the point where a person would rather be dead .
23 In addition to income support many old people can claim housing benefits but there is always anxiety that some of the most needy old people will fail to take advantage of their rights .
24 These hornitos , which are also known rather aptly as driblet cones , go on growing as long as there is both gas and lava to feed them , and they may reach a height of many metres .
25 The preamble recites that the line between Bishop 's Castle and Craven Arms is ‘ complete ’ , which is a ‘ misapprehension of dates ’ at all events , inasmuch as there is neither station nor locomotive on the line .
26 Though there is still uncertainty as to the true identity of C. purpurea ( some suspect it to be a form of C. griffithii ) , it grows differently from C. griffithii .
27 After the opera was over and during the pause when there is usually silence until the ballet begins , people kept on clapping all the time and shouting ‘ Bravo ’ ; now stopping , now beginning again and so on …
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