Example sentences of "[conj] there had [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Areas where there had previously been little opportunity for women to have waged work ( the coalfields of the old peripheral regions were the classic example ) would provide such a reserve of labour and would therefore be attractive to manufacturing industry .
2 His desire to devastate our residential sector and close seventeen homes will be thwarted somebody over there , it may have been Mr it may not have been , said that there had n't been any redundancies .
3 She 'd removed her ripped stockings earlier and now , as she looked down at the patchwork of scratches and grazes , she was relieved that there had n't been more damage .
4 If Eva had any regrets it was that her mother had never been able to put in words just how much she obviously meant to her , and that there had not been more time to spend with her parents over the years .
5 The three opponents still refusing to sign on the grounds that there had not been adequate consultation , and two more being absent , the Mayor rode off on his horse and collected a signature from one of the absentees .
6 Yesterday , Lord Ross , the Lord Justice-Clerk , sitting with Lords McCluskey and Morison , was told that the hearing had been cancelled because the licensing authority now conceded that there had not been enough evidence to justify applying for the warrant .
7 The Boards were far from innocent , however , and when they later developed a proper accounting system to allocate overheads fairly it was found that there had indeed been some unfair cross-subsidisation to their contracting accounts .
8 Or should he turn desire aside and pretend that there had never been that brief , blinding flare of longing between them ?
9 As for the matter of the diversion of funds , he still believed that there had never been such a thing .
10 It was immediately clear , as Max had said , that there had earlier been much blood ; soon clear , too , that the body was that of a comparatively young man ; the body of the man whom Morse had interviewed ( with such distaste ) the previous evening ; the man who had been cheated of the Wolvercote Jewel — and the man who now had been cheated of life .
11 The Preface further explains that there had recently been many books published by amateurs , ‘ mere plagiarists , , who had confused names and caused trouble , not only to customers , but also to the growers .
12 He said that there had recently been 102,000 complaints against British Gas .
13 In the second paragraph he said : ’ During our discussions I accepted that there had possibly been some scope for misunderstanding .
14 Once there had just been Trocchi drawing on the group 's ideas , there had been the sTigma exhibition in Better Books in 1965 , the obituary of Andrée Breton — one of the group 's intellectual roots — by Jean-Jacques Lebel in the first It fourteen months earlier .
15 Earlier some engineers had derided this side of the business as mere ‘ ironmongery ’ , and there had also been political constraints on development .
16 He admitted the party and individual MPs received a total of nearly £38,000 , but insisted it was all legal and there had never been any attempt to favour the pachinko industry in parliament .
17 As a result , overall our sales were down , roughly in line with our competitors in the oil service industry , but there was continuing pressure on margins and profitability and there had obviously been some build-up on the international side in anticipation of higher sales .
18 ‘ He 'd have killed her if there had n't been any blood .
19 The appointment of Mr Stevens was a classic case of promoting a man beyond his level of competence and could not have happened if there had not been deep distrust in official circles of people who know what they are talking about .
20 ‘ There she is ! ’ cried her father , as if there had ever been any doubt about her arrival .
21 If there had ever been any chance that the Whigs might lose the support of the great mass of the population , the poor , the unpropertied , the emergent working class , that possibility had now gone .
22 He might add that , if there had ever been any prospect that the class war would provide its movement , that prospect had patently disappeared except , ironically , in those eastern European countries bound to submit to Russian supervision .
23 The charge was such an obvious frame-up that he had to ask himself if there had ever been any intention to try him on it .
24 If there had only been some way they could have gone in the doors of University College together and come home on the bus each night , or better still got a flat together , life would have been perfect .
25 The table was bare again , as if there had never been good food and wine .
26 He came , towards the end of the nineties , to believe that there are erm there must be things which are in the strictest possible sense non-mental , and which would be what they were , even if there had never been any minds that were conscious of them .
27 The door had n't opened , but there had n't been another sound out of them for the rest of the night .
28 The universe had been enclosed with wood , but there had n't been enough to go round , and through the gaps nothingness waited , strips of bottomless black stuck on the rosy sky .
29 The event turned out in fact as successful as last year 's but there had not been any advantage in the February timing , .
30 But there had also been this other vision — of the ‘ green wood full of primroses ’ — which he had glimpsed through a hole in the wall , and which promised all the things which Lewis and Greeves had come to label ‘ It ’ or ‘ Joy ’ .
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