Example sentences of "[conj] there be [noun sg] in his " in BNC.

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1 He grins in recollection and there 's mischief in his eyes .
2 ‘ He 's a winner and there is aggression in his game , but he 's now a more mature player who tries to keep out of trouble . ’
3 He filled up the doorway with his uneasy bulk and there was defiance in his eyes .
4 He looked happier than I had seen him for weeks and there was colour in his cheeks .
5 But his face was full and there was colour in his cheeks .
6 His hands and feet seemed to be constantly moving in almost impossibly splendiferous patterns , his eyes shone like June blackberries and there was music in his voice which seemed to roll up in great hopeful waves from deep in his abdomen .
7 His cold , controlled façade had slipped a little , and there was anger in his eyes now .
8 ‘ I have naught to offer you , ’ the youth was saying and there was sorrow in his voice .
9 But there was music in his big , strong hands .
10 But there was doubt in his voice .
11 He was smiling at her , but there was concern in his eyes .
12 The officer looked at him scornfully , but there was pity in his voice as he said quickly , ‘ Shoot him , man !
13 " Not a hope , " said Ranteallo , but there was uncertainty in his voice .
14 But there was respect in his voice as he added , ‘ From where does your great strength come ?
15 ‘ That 's a relief , ’ he replied drolly , but there was amusement in his eyes , she was glad to note , and as he took an easy-chair opposite he requested , ‘ Please do . ’
16 He laughed , but there was urgency in his tone nevertheless .
17 ‘ But whether there was gold in his mind or not , whether he was concerned with the dollar parity or not , as soon as he caught sight of the girl waiting seductively under the lamp in front of him , he fell victim to his own undisciplined and obsessive hungers .
18 The Romans made much use of it also , its generic name being derived from salvere , to be well , and in the Middle Ages , there was a current Arabic saying : " Why should a man die when there is sage in his garden ? "
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