Example sentences of "[conj] there be [art] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Compared to the USA , where there is a long tradition of debate about general education ( Squires 1976 ; Gaff 1983 ) , the main influence of the concept of a liberal education in British higher education has probably been on the enactment of the curriculum — on the methods and styles of teaching , the role models and relationships involved , and the general learning ethos and environment .
2 Where there is a long chain of distribution , the plaintiff may find it difficult to identify who was the producer or importer into the European Community .
3 Obviously this will be of significance for producers where there is a long shelf life .
4 Unlike the annual Environment White Papers , a sustainable development report need not give space to quality of life issues where there are no long term implications , such as local issues of litter , the nuisance from dogs , noise , etc .
5 Factory girls usually married in their early twenties ; it was unlikely to happen over the age of 25 , and only in textile areas , where there was a long tradition of employment , did women generally prolong their independence , though conditions varied in different industries and areas .
6 In cotton textile workers ' families , where there was a long tradition of married women 's work , one night a week was usually set aside by husbands and wives as ‘ Mary-Ann night ’ .
7 Where there was a long history of nationalist resistance , notably in Poland , Russification provoked bitter resentment .
8 That is one of the attractive things about the business : that there is no long tail .
9 That is one of the attractive things about the business : that there is no long tail Direct line headquarters : Our only property we use
10 Even if we adopt a much narrower focus and look at the specifically political institutions of the proclaimed democracies , it is plain that there is a long way to go before democratic principles are fully embodied in them .
11 Some organisations knew about the different types of viral hepatitis and that there is a long incubation period .
12 Judith Ochshorn , a specialist in Near Eastern culture , points out that there is a long history of women as mourners and attendants on the dead : thus ‘ in its cultural context , the presence of women at the cross or at the tomb of Jesus was not exceptional ’ .
13 What I am certain about is that there is a long term future for this cinema and that we 're aware
14 It argued that there was a long history of use of such powers ; that , with the widening of the sphere of government , the use of delegated legislative powers was necessary for the efficient conduct of business in the modern state ; that the civil service was best placed to provide the expertise which was necessary to make effective use of these powers ; and that the way in which the powers were actually used in practice was such as to refute any claim of a ‘ new despotism ’ .
15 The link , however , was discovered soon after systematic depth soundings were taken , when it was discovered that there was a long submarine mountain range running down the middle of the Atlantic from Arctic to Antarctic .
16 I was n't prepared to put things under my arm and hawk them around in Bond Street so there was a long gap .
17 ‘ I have just got it confirmed , but these things take time , and there 's a long way to go yet . ’
18 I 'm not getting into a fight over some silly little first-year whether she 's your sister or not , and if you 'll excuse me , this porridge is bad enough hot , but cold it 's inedible and there 's a long way to go till lunchtime . ’
19 Certainly the word for spirit is female in Hebrew , and there is a long tradition of the divine wisdom being conceived to be feminine .
20 The nature of language is more complex than amateurs think , and there is a long tradition of scholarship and study to draw upon .
21 And there is a long tradition in sociological thinking which makes precisely this distinction .
22 Much of Britain is densely populated and intensively farmed , and there is a long history of metal mining and movement of minerals and metals .
23 Most studies of latent inhibition use procedures in which there are many widely spaced presentations of the target stimulus and there is a long interval ( frequently of 24 h ) between the last pre-exposure trial and the first trial of conditioning .
24 Also the ghost stories of certain houses came in for comment and there is a long note on the haunting of Calgarth Hall .
25 ‘ Let's forget it , ’ she said , and there was a long pause .
26 At first I spent so long feeling for the ground the engines had run down to idle , and there was a long delay before they wound back up again to produce noticeable acceleration .
27 Eventually the ground seemed to stabilize and there was a long silence during which the mist curled slowly upwards .
28 The film was banned in Maryland and Illinois , the New York Board demanded changes , and there was a long debate before it was shown in Pennsylvania , the state that had inspired the film and where Warners had vital outlets .
29 As it happened , the chops were beginning to drip , and there was a long line of people waiting behind Phyllis .
30 The method can work if there is a long time for the change-over , if both channels can be kept open and if it does not matter that the two systems are being used haphazardly .
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