Example sentences of "[conj] there [vb -s] [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The war situation has also had an influence in the deterioration of education because there are places — especially in the rural areas — where there has n't been any normality in schools for years .
2 Hundreds of enthusiasts maintain their old Healeys in showroom condition because they feel that there 's never been another car like it .
3 David Rigg , commercial development director , reminisced nostalgically that there has not been such a boom in his business since the rush to decolonise Africa some 30 years ago .
4 Since I have been in the Chair , the Chief Secretary has been interrupted so often that there has not been much opportunity for him to do that .
5 The problem with British rain is only partly that there has not been enough of it .
6 I am not saying that there has not been considerable support for it , and he can report that to the House .
7 And the letter is tells me basically that they 've not been able to find out what the cause of the explosion was , and that there has n't been any further explosion since .
8 Indeed we may say that there has always been such a tendency , in the patristic period likewise , to collapse the distinction between the two natures .
9 As I have told my hon. Friend before , I do not think that there has ever been any prospect of any member of the European Community or of the United Nations believing that a United Nations or a Western European Union peace-keeping force could force its way into Yugoslavia against the opposition either of the Yugoslav national army — the JNA — or of any armed force .
10 Note that it does not have to be shown that there has actually been oppressive enforcement simply that such is " reasonably capable " .
11 Indeed , it is often assumed by Continental and North American commentators that there has never been any significant literary theory in England .
12 I should say that there has never been any issue as to the fact that the child 's habitual residence was at all material time in Ontario .
13 The reason for the density method 's increased efficiency is that there has indeed been some improvement in the estimate of h* ( n ) .
14 Although about 350 farms a year become involved in providing accommodation , a fairly high percentage opts out , usually for family reasons , so there has not been much growth in the past 15 years .
15 because it 's come out a lot in this discussion that is there 's a big gap between the biological , biological and medical knowledge that 's accrued in the last ten or fifteen years , and the actual social consequences of these developments and there has n't been enough discussion and consideration of what will happen .
16 ‘ We now know that BSE exists on the Continent and there has not been one case in a Welsh herd . ’
17 It can certainly be passed on by kissing , and there has recently been strong epidemiological evidence that CMV infection can be sexually transmitted .
18 There were no warmer or more enthusiastic supporters than the BDDA in the reconstitution of the Institute , and there has always been harmonious co-operation between the two .
19 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
20 Most of the growth has been in issuance of eurobonds , but there has also been significant growth in issuance of foreign bonds , largely in Swiss francs .
21 But there has also been disturbing evidence , particularly on the family front .
22 Well there 's certainly been one element of the the input to the preparation of the structure plan , but there has also been some independent view on the the capacity and the the environmental problems that individual districts across North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire have in their ability to accommodate development , and on the pressure and the problems that those pressures of development will have on those individual districts , bearing in mind the environmental constraints identified both in National and in the Secretary of State 's previous approval of the structure plan .
23 But there has n't been much call
24 But there has already been some progress in this direction .
25 In the past these accusations were dismissed as ‘ Western-orchestrated propaganda ’ , but there has now been Soviet confirmation of a number of recent killings in the Ukrainian town of Kharkov during fights between Soviet youngsters and African students .
26 There have been four players with the same initial letter of their surname playing for a Test side both before and since , but there has only been four of the same letter on each side .
27 It is possible that pollution affects their reproductive and immune systems , but there has only been piecemeal research on this subject . "
28 League secretary Mike Foster said : ‘ There 's been a little bit of manoeuvring — but there has never been any doubt that it was going to be signed . ’
29 But there has never been self-doubt .
30 Osnafeld is a British subject , a financier of sorts who has sailed very close to the wind on a number of occasions , but there has never been enough evidence to proceed against him .
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