Example sentences of "[conj] all we can [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 But these are no reasons for not looking through the accounts , and making sure that all we can give is turned to real advantage .
2 Wittgenstein suggests that all we can do is to look again to see if we are really tempted to call it pain .
3 We are in that situation and all we can do is try and do the best we can to survive and keep some sort of service going to help people who desperately need it .
4 He says : ‘ The fans have been frustrated because we have n't scored but all we can do is to try and put it right .
5 We still hear its voice ; but all we can see is a bare wooden perch .
6 ‘ It 's quite heart-breaking , but all we can say is ‘ Come and take your chances ’ , ’ she said .
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