Example sentences of "[conj] other [noun] [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At one point , the prospectus states : ‘ A Water Service Company may at any time require the Director General to determine whether , and if so how , K should be changed where other circumstances which would not have been avoided by prudent management action , have a substantial adverse effect on its water or sewerage business . ’
2 When you experience distorted vision , bright lights , loss of appetite , nausea , a severe pain in the head or other symptoms you could very well be having a migraine attack .
3 From the amount of iron signals and other factors it would soon be possible to determine if the land had seen habitation in the past .
4 In the rundown areas of inner cities which are unattractive to developers and other entrepreneurs it will often be only possible to stimulate business activity by an injection of public funds .
5 With Europe in recession and fears about unemployment , Britain and other countries which could previously be relied upon to put the case for a freer market ( and a bigger share for themselves of Japanese investment ) are no longer being heard .
6 The rules of Equity as to stipulations about time and other provisions which would not be held by Equity to be of the essence of the contract , are to prevail in all cases .
7 The steam rally at Upton runs over the weekend , and forty thousand visitors are expected to come and see the vintage traction engines , old time fairground and other attractions.And they 'll also be able to admire the fastest steamroller in the west .
8 It is a main way in which cultural production can be related , often very precisely , to social classes and other groups which can also be defined in other social terms , by political or economic or occupational analysis .
9 It would be a relatively cheap way , and other things we could also get European Community , this is n't a British problem it is a world problem .
10 Her eyes and nose were assaulted every moment , mule dung mingled with fresh baked bread , incense and cumin , and other spices she could n't identify , a curious bitter-sweetness that cloyed her senses .
11 . He was a cabinet maker and er then the boss and we just all sort of worked You know sometimes we had a quite a lot of work going and other times we would n't have anything and other times you were standing waiting doing nothing , waiting in the job g coming for the cabinet makers who would send through legs , something to get started just as long as we got started to work , maybe it was in a hurry .
12 some days I can bend alright , it do n't hurt and other times I ca n't
13 The recently bought simulators will be used to teach pilots from Virgin and other airlines who might otherwise have to spend thousands for training from American companies .
14 He wears boilersuits and lives on the beach at Dungeness ; and sitting in his shack surrounded by pebbles , plants and other exotica he could almost have been the model for Peter Greenaway 's Prospero .
15 Modern teaching , with its use of projects and assignments , relies heavily on the use of reference books and newspapers and other periodicals which will largely be found only in the public library .
16 Lesion studies have their own problems of interpretation , while other methods which might conceivably be used to establish cerebral dominance , such as dichaptic stimulation and the dual-task technique , have not been validated nor widely adopted in experiments with large numbers of left handers .
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