Example sentences of "[conj] no [indef pn] could [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 For the rest of the night the rain cascaded from the verandah roof , but the Collector paid no heed to it … he continued to mutter urgently to himself , thrashing weakly , possessed with the vehemence of a strange inner life where no one could reach him .
2 It was a Smythe drill , and his father took him on some ‘ short work ’ , a piece of land where no one could see it .
3 When we were outside the house , where no one could hear us , she said : ‘ As nobody is out at this time I thought it would be nice to go to that field which is full of melons .
4 Thomson 's son poured so much money into The Times in the vain effort to modernize it in the late 1970s that no one could blame him for wanting to sell it .
5 All the magic had died from it , and it was but a husk of itself ; for all my art , it could tell me only one thing — that no one could restore it to its place except a child not yet born , and born only for that task .
6 The conviction started from my body and the discovery that no one could prevent me — if I were determined enough — from treating it as I wished .
7 The world was so complex that tiny events could produce enormous effects by a process of causality so complicated that no one could trace it .
8 My girlfriend had put her handbag between her feet under her chair so that no one could pinch it .
9 I do n't believe she heard me because she yawned , handed me the key and told me to hang it round my neck so that no one could take it from me .
10 Told by high authority that no one could understand him in a pulpit , he worried about sermons more than anything .
11 They would lie like flatfish to protect each other from parental awareness , and so certain were they of the rightness of their cause — which was , in many cases , the pursuit of uninterrupted idleness and pleasure — that no one could disbelieve them .
12 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
13 She tried to calm him , insisting that no one could believe he was a murderer , and asked whether he had called his wife .
14 Some of the men climbed in after us and put the cover down on the back , so no one could see us .
15 Cardinal Suenens pointed out to him that although no one could say he had no right to produce Humanae Vitae on his own , it would have had more credibility had it been collegially prepared .
16 He 'll never see me while you are here and no one could blame him , for you are so lovely .
17 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
18 The labels were in English and no one could read them .
19 Then , it follows from that , that understanding Shakespeare , and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive , is also a good , because if for example this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no one could see him and no one could understand him and no one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
20 Looking back , I can see how infantile my behaviour was — but then I was flushed with success , convinced that nothing and no one could thwart me . ’
21 Then , it follows from that , that understanding Shakespeare , and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive , is also a good , because if for example this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no one could see him and no one could understand him and no one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
22 But no one could call it a lucky house , could they ? ’
23 There was no doubt he spoke a language the bulls understood , but no one could say they always obeyed him .
24 ( III.vi.78f. ) , because no one could answer it , then or now .
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